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Foil 116 Some Lessons Learned in NPAC's Benchmarking

From Full Relational Database HPDC-4 Presentation HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) * See also color IMAGE

Data partitioning must be very carefully designed to balance I/O and CPU
Parallel Loading is great ! --- almost linear speedup
Backup may be important to save time (we don't have)
The most difficult and trouble-making phase is the database preparation/loading/indexing phase which always involves storage management parameters
you must be both a DBA and sysadm and benchmarking relies critically on system stability
Be prepared to bring down the whole parallel system a couple of times a day
Be prepared that the results are negative (nothing may be obtained !)
you need at least twice the disk space of your original database size
performance tuning is extremely difficult with Oracle 7 parallel server

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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