HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 133 Procedural and Programmable mechanisms

From Full Relational Database HPDC-4 Presentation HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) * See also color IMAGE

use PL/SQL for data manipulation and processing.
  • Oracle's procedural language for SQL application development
  • support stored procedures, database triggers, optimized concurrent data access, and executable programs as meta-data (i.e., programs are stored together with and attached to the data objects to be manipulated on)
  • a database programming language with expressive capability between C and SQL: loops, decisions, modules and function calls, subroutines, etc.
  • database server is both a SQL engine and a compute engine
  • programmable HTML pages

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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