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Basic foilset Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Web Technologies on Spring 98. Foils prepared April 7 1998
Outside Index Summary of Material

Overview of these new Java Frameworks including a comparison of VRML and Java3D

Table of Contents for full HTML of Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks

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1 Java 2D
2 Java 2D API for Foil 2 What is Java 2D?
3 Java 2D API Home Page Java 2D Overview
4 Java 2D Fundamentals
5 Drawing
6 Example
7 Drawing Process
8 Using Java 2D API
9 Drawing a Rectangle with Java 2D
10 Using Java 2D API (cont'd)
11 Rendering
12 Rendering Examples
13 Text and Font
14 A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet Color Management
15 Imaging
16 Imaging Example
17 Imaging Example (cont'd)
18 Graphics Devices
19 Printing
20 To Support Printing
21 Printing Example
22 Java 3D
23 What is Java 3D?
24 OpenGL for Foil 24 System Requirements
25 Java 3D API Home Page User Skill Requirements
26 Java 3D Goals
27 Programming Paradigm
28 Scene Graph Basic
29 Scene Graph (DAG)
30 Scene Graph
31 Group and Leaf Node
32 Java 3D Class Hierarchy
33 Java 3D vs VRML
34 VRML example
35 Java 3D example
36 Recipe for Java 3D Program
37 Shape Construction
38 Describing Geometry
39 Describing Appearance
40 Grouping Shapes
41 Controlling Lights
42 Controlling Sounds
43 Controlling Sounds (cont'd)
44 Controlling Fog
45 Controlling Backgrounds
46 Building a Universe
47 Building a Universe (cont'd)
48 View Platforms
49 Creating a View
50 Creating a View (cont'd)

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 1 Java 2D

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Basic Concepts and Examples
Byeongseob Ki and Scott Klasky
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 2 What is Java 2D?

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
Full HTML Index Java 2D API for Foil 2
The Java 2D is a set of Java 1.2 core classes that
  • extend the AWT to provide a standard, cross-platform interface for handling complex shapes, text, and images
  • Enhance graphics, text, and image capabilities of AWT
The Java 2D API
  • Enables high-quality device and resolution independent graphics
  • Supports enhanced font and text handling
  • Provides a single, comprehensive rendering model

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 3 Java 2D Overview

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Provides richer graphics, font, and image APIs
Supports enhanced color definition and composition, hit detection on arbitrary geometric shapes and text, and a uniform rendering model for printers and display devices
Enables the creation of advanced graphics libraries in Java, such as CAD/CAM and imaging special effects
Can be used to create and display animations and other multimedia presentations

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Foil 4 Java 2D Fundamentals

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 2D API defines two coordinate spaces: User Coordinate Space and Device Coordinate Space
Java 2D API enhances the functionality of AWT by implementing new methods in existing classes, while extending existing classes and interfaces
The origin of User Coordinate Space lies in the upper left corner increasing to the right and downward

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Foil 5 Drawing

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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The basic graphics rendering model has not changed with the addition of Java 2D
The Java 2D API class Graphics2D extends the Graphics class to support more graphics attributes and provide new rendering methods
Java 2D API uses the drawing model defined by the java.awt package
In this model, each Component object implements a paint(...) method that is invoked automatically whenever the component needs to be drawn

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Foil 6 Example

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Example: Suppose you have a component whose job it is to draw a red rectangle
  • Using the AWT drawing model:
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
g.setColor( Color.red );
g.fillRect( 300, 300, 200, 100 );

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Foil 7 Drawing Process

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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The basic drawing process:
  • 1. Specify the rendering attribute for the shape you want to draw and invoke a method such as setColor(...)
  • 2. Define the shape you want to draw
  • 3. Use the Graphics object to render the shape by calling a rendering method such as fillRect(...)
Java 2D provides additional features for:
  • specifying paint styles
  • defining complex shapes
  • controlling the rendering process

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Foil 8 Using Java 2D API

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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To use Java 2D, implement a paint(...) method and cast the Graphics argument to a Graphics2D object
The following example demonstrates how you could use the Java 2D API to draw a red rectangle
  • The basic process for drawing the rectangle with Java 2D API is the same as with java.awt, except the usage of GeneralPath to define rectangle.
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;

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Foil 9 Drawing a Rectangle with Java 2D

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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public void paint( Graphics g ) {
Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g;
g2d.setColor( Color.red );
GeneralPath rect = new GeneralPath( GeneralPath.EVEN_ODD );
rect.moveTo( 300.0f, 300.0f ); // ul corner
rect.lineTo( 500.0f, 300.0f ); // ur corner
rect.lineTo( 500.0f, 400.0f ); // lr corner
rect.lineTo( 300.0f, 400.0f ); // ll corner
rect.closePath(); // close the rectangle
g2d.fill( rect );

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Foil 10 Using Java 2D API (cont'd)

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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To simplify the creation of standard shapes such as rectangles, Java 2D provides several subclasses of Shape in addition to GeneralPath:
In addition to supporting solid color fills, Java 2D enables you to specify complex fills such as gradients and patterns
Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double( 300, 300, 200, 100 );

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Foil 11 Rendering

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Graphics2D defines methods for drawing objects and state attributes to control rendering
With state attributes, you can
  • Set a clipping path to limit the area that is rendered
  • Define colors and patterns to fill shapes
  • Vary the stroke width
  • Change how strokes are joined together
  • Specify how multiple graphics objects should be composed

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Foil 12 Rendering Examples

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Complex Paint Style
Stroke Styles

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Foil 13 Text and Font

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 2D adds new text-related classes that support sophisticated text layout and fine-grain font control
Java 2D provides an enhanced Font class that supports:
  • Specification of detailed font information
  • Access to information about a font and its glyphs
A transform is used to generate a skewed version of the font before the string is drawn

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 14 Color Management

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
Full HTML Index A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet
Java 2D provides support for high-quality color output
The key color management classes in Java 2D:
  • Color --- describes a color in terms of its components
  • ColorModel --- provides methods to convert the components of a pixel in an image into color components in a color space
  • ColorSpace --- provides methods for converting color components in a color space to and from CIEXYZ or RGB color space

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Foil 15 Imaging

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 2D provides a set of classes that define operations on BufferedImage and Tile objects
  • BufferedImage extends java.awt.Image and allows you to access individual pixels in an image
  • Tile defines the data and data layout within an image
Image Processing Model
Source image
Destination image
Image processing

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Foil 16 Imaging Example

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Edge detection and enhancement

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Foil 17 Imaging Example (cont'd)

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Lookup-table Manipulation

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Foil 18 Graphics Devices

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  • Represents an actual output device such as a monitor or printer
  • Encapsulates a device's capabilities and attributes
  • Provides information about a list of GraphicsDevice
  • Encapsulates the text capabilities of a system
  • Determines the capabilities of GraphicsDevice

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Foil 19 Printing

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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The Java 2D Printing API defines three key printing abstractions:
  • Printable --- the interface that an application implements to provide the mechanism through which a document may be rendered to a printer
  • Book --- the collection of pages to be printed
  • PrintJob --- the object through which the application initiates printing

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 20 To Support Printing

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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1. Implement the Printable interface and provide the mechanism for imaging a page in a print(...) method
2. Provide a way for the user to trigger the print operation such as button click
3. When the user initiates printing, your application should:
  • Create a Book
  • Add the pages to be printed to the Book
  • Create a PrintJob object
  • Call print on the PrintJob object

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Foil 21 Printing Example

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Illustrates a Book containing two letter size pages in portrait orientation, a legal size page in landscape orientation, and a tabloid size page in portrait orientation

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Foil 22 Java 3D

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Basic Concepts and Examples

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Foil 23 What is Java 3D?

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 3D is a set of classes for writing three-dimensional graphics applications and applets
It is primarily for application developers
It enables authors to build 3D models and control animation and interaction
It also enables detailed control over rendering, input devices, the viewing model, and lots more
API implementation released by Sun Microsystems

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Foil 24 System Requirements

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Current version is 1.1 Alpha 2 (April 1998)
Java 3D requires the following:
  • For Solaris:
    • JDK 1.2 Beta 3
    • OpenGL 1.1 for Solaris
  • For Windows NT 4.0/Windows 95
    • JDK 1.2 Beta 3 from JavaSoft
    • OpenGL 1.1 from Microsoft or an accelerator that supports OpenGL 1.1

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 25 User Skill Requirements

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
Full HTML Index Java 3D API Home Page
The developer must have at least a basic knowledge of the principles of computer graphics:
  • Graphics displays and systems
  • The mathematics of computer graphics
  • Computer graphics algorithms
The developer must possess a thorough understanding of the OOP paradigm
The prospective developer should read and analyze the Java 3D specification located at http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/

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Foil 26 Java 3D Goals

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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High performance
  • Layered implementation
Rich set of features for creating interesting 3D worlds
  • 3D geometric primitives, sound, lighting, shading and advanced behavioral model
Provide a high-level, object-oriented paradigm that enables developers to rapidly deploy sophisticated applications and applets
Support for runtime loaders to accommodate a wide variety of file formats such as CAD and VRML

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Foil 27 Programming Paradigm

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Scene Graph Programming Model
  • A tree-like hierarchy of graphic nodes and groups
Rendering Modes
  • Immediate Mode, Retained Mode, Compiled-Retained Mode
  • Java 3D does not have built-in support for: primitive geometry (box, cone, cylinder, sphere), specialized geometry (elevation grid, extrusion), etc.
  • All of these can be implemented on top of Java 3D

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Foil 28 Scene Graph Basic

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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A VirtualUniverse contains everything to be drawn
  • All Java 3D scene graphs must connect to a Virtual Universe object to be displayed
A Locale defines the origin, in high-resolution coordinates, of its attached branch groups
A scene graph itself starts with BranchGroup nodes
A BranchGroup serves as the root of a subgraph, called a branch group, of the scene graph---only BranchGroup objects can attach to Locale objects

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Foil 29 Scene Graph (DAG)

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Virtual Universe
Hi-Res Locales
Leaf Node
BranchGroup Node

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Foil 30 Scene Graph

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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A scene graph consists of Java 3D objects, called nodes, arranged in a tree structure
The user creates one or more scene subgraphs and attaches them to a virtual universe
A Java 3D scene graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), which may not contain cycles
Java 3D refines the Node object class into two subclasses: Group and Leaf node objects

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Foil 31 Group and Leaf Node

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Group node objects group together one or more child nodes. A group node can point to zero or more children but can have only one parent
Leaf node objects contain the actual definitions of shapes (geometry), lights, fog, sounds, and so forth
A leaf node has no children and only one parent

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Foil 32 Java 3D Class Hierarchy

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 3D defines a hierarchy of classes:

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Foil 33 Java 3D vs VRML

From Overview of Java2D and Java3D Frameworks CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. *
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Java 3D has richer semantics for scoping lights, sound, fog, behaviors, and backgrounds
Java 3D and VRML share similar notions of:
  • Shapes
  • Appearance
  • Material
  • Grouping
  • Transform
  • Lighting
Example: Create a red 3D text shape "Hello World"

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Foil 34 VRML example

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Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1.0 0.0 0.0
geometry Text {
string "Hello world"
fontStyle FontStyle { }

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Foil 35 Java 3D example

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Material blue = new Material( );
blue.setDiffuseColor( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
Appearance color = new Appearance( );
color.setMaterial( blue );
Text3D hello = new Text3D( );
hello.setFont3D( someFont );
hello.setString( "Hello world" );
Shape3D sign = new Shape3D( );
sign.setGeometry( hello );
sign.setAppearance( color );

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Foil 36 Recipe for Java 3D Program

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Every Java 3D application has five tasks:
  • Create 3D shapes
  • Create content behaviors
  • Set up the 3D canvas (drawing area)
  • Configure viewing
  • Create navigation behaviors
In VRML, the last three are performed by the browser and cannot be fully controlled by a VRML script

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Foil 37 Shape Construction

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The Java 3D Shape3D leaf node creates a 3D shape with geometry and appearance node components
Text3D geometry node component creates extruded 3D text in this example
Shape3D sign = new Shape3D( );
sign.setGeometry( hello );
sign.setAppearance( color );

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Foil 38 Describing Geometry

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Most Java 3D geometry node components handle triangles and quads implicit or explicit (indexed) connectivity strips, fans, and arbitrary polygon collections: LineArray, PointArray, QuadArray, LineStripArray, TriangleFanArray, etc.
VRML's primitive and specialized geometry can be implemented using Java 3D geometry arrays
The Java 3D Raster geometry node component enables pixel read and write to the screen at a transformed location

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Foil 39 Describing Appearance

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Detailed rendering control is available with Java 3D's attribute node components:
Java3D Controls
ColoringAttributes Shading model
LineAttributes Line width and pattern
PointAttributes Point size
PolygonAttributes Polygon culling
RenderingAttributes Z- and alpha-buffering
TextureAttributes Transforms and rendering type
TransparencyAttributes Transparency type

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Foil 40 Grouping Shapes

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Java3D has a set of nodes to create groups: OrderedGroup, Switch, TransformGroup, etc.
Java 3D supports numerous utility methods to build and manipulate 4x4 matrices and vectors:
Transform3D yAxis = new Transform3D( );
yaxis.roty( 0.785 );
TransformGroup scene = new TranformGroup( );
scene.addChild( sign );
scene.setTransform( yaxis );

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Foil 41 Controlling Lights

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Like VRML, Java 3D has a set of leaf nodes to create and manipulate lights:
PointLight bulb = new PointLight( );
bulb.setColor( yellow );
bulb.setPosition( 0.0, 5.0, 3.0 );

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Foil 42 Controlling Sounds

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Java 3D has a set of leaf nodes to add sounds:
PointSound ouch = new PointSound( );
ouch.setPosition( 0.0, 3.0, 8.0 );
ouch.setSoundData( ouchSound );
ouch.setLoop( 1 );

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Foil 43 Controlling Sounds (cont'd)

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Sounds are scheduled only if their bounding volume intersects the viewer's activation volume
The Java 3D Soundscape leaf node and AuralAttributes node component specify environment characteristics such as Reverberation, Echo, Frequency filtering, and Doppler effects
Different parts of the world can have different characteristics
  • Aural effects are bound via a bounding volume or leaf

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Foil 44 Controlling Fog

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Java 3D has a typical set of fog nodes much like their VRML counterparts:
LinearFog murky = new LinearFog( );
murky.setColor( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 );
murky.setFrontDistance( 0.0 );
murky.setBackDistance( 10.0 );

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Foil 45 Controlling Backgrounds

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The Background leaf node defines either a solid color or a background image used to fill the window
A Background node is active when its application region intersects the viewer's activation volume
If no Background nodes are active, then the window is cleared to black
Background mountains = new Background();
mountains.setColor( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 );
mountains.setGeometry( mountainWorld );

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Foil 46 Building a Universe

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Java 3D VirtualUniverse object builds a "universe"
Locale object creates a world anchor point within a universe
VirtualUniverse universe = new VirtualUniverse();
Locale locale = new Locale( universe );

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Foil 47 Building a Universe (cont'd)

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A Java 3D BranchGroup node groups world scene graphs together and binds them to a locale
BranchGroup world = new BranchGroup( );
world.addChild( part_of_world );
locale.addBranchGroup( world );

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Foil 48 View Platforms

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Once a universe is created, it may be viewed
Java 3D ViewPlatform leaf node establishes a viewpoint for the universe
  • TransformGroup node is used to move the viewpoint for user navigation
ViewPlatform spot = new ViewPlatform( );
TransformGroup navigate = new TransformGroup( );
navigate.addChild( spot );

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Foil 49 Creating a View

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Java 3D View object describes camera features to view the universe from a view platform:
View camera = new View( );
camera.setFieldOfView( 0.785 );
camera.setFrontClipDistance( 0.1 );
camera.setBackClipDistance( 50.0 );
camera.setSceneAntialiasingEnabled( true );
camera.attachViewPlatform( spot );

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Foil 50 Creating a View (cont'd)

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Java 3D View also supports detailed specification of the real-world viewing situation
  • Physical body characteristics:
    • Left and right eye positions
    • Left and right ear positions
    • Eye height
  • Physical environment characteristics:
    • Speaker positions
    • Headphone vs speakers
    • Head tracker characteristics

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