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LOCAL foilset CPS616 Lectures on Java

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 29 January 1996
More Detail! * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Overview including History and alpha versus beta issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
Java Programming Language
Object Oriented and Class Structure
Applet Programming and Threads
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
Networking and I/O; native classes
Futures and HPCC Implications
Hot Java is not discussed as beta version not currently available

Table of Contents for CPS616 Lectures on Java

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616
January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Module on Java Language and Applets
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 Java Presentatation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview -- What Is Java/HotJava?
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team (contd)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- Alpha
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- Beta/1.0
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- HotJava/Books
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- I
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Java Features
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Portable
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Distributed
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Robust
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- High Performance
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Dynamic
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Comparison of Language Features
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java Programming Language
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language Discussion -- Table of Contents
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Program Structure
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Lexical Issues I
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Lexical Issues II
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applications Versus Applets - I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applications Versus Applets - II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Variable/Expression Types
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Types: Array
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Expressions
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow I
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow II -- continue
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow III -- break and for loop
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow IV -- break and switch
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow V -- continue and switch
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Handling Errors Using Exceptions
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Exception Hierarchy
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java Object Model Overview
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Methods Defined in Parent
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Methods Defined in Parent but overridden in child class
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Overview of Classes
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Application from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Date Application from Sun Tutorial
Anatomy of an Application
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Counting Application from Sun Tutorial
Nuts and Bolts of Java
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Types of Classes
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Methods
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A little more complicated Paint Method for Applets
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Interfaces
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Cars as an Examples of Interfaces/ Multiple Inheritance
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Picture of Interfaces and Classes for Cars and their Manufacture
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Interfaces -- II
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Interfaces -III- Real Examples
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ReverseString Class from Sun Tutorial
The String and StringBuffer Classes
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Instantiating an Object from its Class
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - I
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - II
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Constructors of Objects
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Class Finalizers
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Handling Exceptions in Closing a File
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some More Methods for mPoint
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inheritance or Subclassing
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Packages
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java System Packages
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Overarching Object Class
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Determining and Testing Class of Object
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML java.lang.Object Wrappers
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Basic Methods for Applets -- I
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Basic Methods for Applets -- II
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The details of the <applet> tag
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML <param> Tags and Applets
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Graphics Class
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Font and FontMetrics Classes
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Color Classes
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Threads as Discussed in Sun's Tutorial
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- I
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- II
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Flickering in Applets and its Solution
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Animator.class Applet
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --I
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --II
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The default Update(Graphics g) Method
86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - I
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - run Method
88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - paint and update
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I
90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - II
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - I
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - II
93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - I
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - II
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Picture of the AWT Component Class and its inheritance
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Simple AWT Components -- label,button
97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT Components -- Checkbox
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , CheckboxGroup
99 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- typical subunits of panels
100 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - I
101 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - II
102 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Actions associated with Components in AWT - I
103 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Actions associated with Components in AWT - II
104 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Layout of Components in a Panel
105 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Description and Example of BorderLayout
106 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Brief Description of Four Other LayoutManager's
107 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers
108 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networking, Web Access and I/O in Java
109 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- URL, showDocument
110 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- URLConnection
111 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Input/Output in Java -- InputStreams -- I
112 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Input/Output in Java -- (Filter etc.)InputStreams -- II
113 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- InputStreams and URLConnections
114 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Native Classes to Speed Up Execution
115 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC and Java -- High Performance HPjava -- I
116 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC and Java -- HPjava -- II

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