HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 26 February 1996

Foil 40 General Syntax of <Frame> tag

From CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science -- Winter-Spring Semester 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

<frame Src="URL" Name="framename" Noresize scrolling=YES|NO|AUTO Marginwidth="value" Marginheight="value" >
All of these are optional -- the URL defined by Src attribute is document to be loaded into this frame -- this is often blank as user or other JavaScript code will specify what to load using TARGET="framename" in a link (<a > or equivalent)
The value of Name attribute is used by target and is essential if you want to be able to load into this frame from the outside. A link inside this frame will load into this frame if no taget specified
Noresize if present says that user canNOT resize this frame -- this has impact on ability of related frames to be resized
Marginwidth and Marginheight are given in pixels to specify the margin to be used around the frame
scrolling=YES will always give frame scrollbars
scrolling=NO will give no scrollbars and truncate document if necessary
scrolling=AUTO allows Netscape to choose if scrollbars are appropriate

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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