HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 15 January 1997

Foil 48 Creating New Windows

From JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age 1997 Basic Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox * Important Information in IMAGE
Secs 93.6
The window object has a method open which allows one to create entirely new windows which are equivalent to cliocking "New Web Browser" on Netscape File Menu
childw =,Largely_Irrelevant_Name, Quite_Important_Features);
The last argument is a set of comma separated options such as
  • toolbar = yes [no]
  • location = yes [no] (display a location bar or not)
  • resizable = on [off] (allow resizing of window)
  • status = yes [no] (display status bar at bottom)
  • menubar = yes [no]
  • directories = yes [no] (display the not so useful directories bar)
  • scrollbars = yes [no] (allow or not scrollbars if needed)
  • width = W; (number of pixels in window width)
  • height = H; (number of pixels)
Javascript in spawned window can access properties of originating window as top.opener

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sat May 24 1997