HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 15 January 1997

Foil 74 Use of Cookies in Client Program

From JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age 1997 Basic Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox * Important Information in IMAGE

JavaScript string document.cookie holds cookies that are valid for this document and can be used to either set or retrieve cookie values
In example, we have a page with a form that sets values and stores for a certain length of time. This is entirely processed client-side with JavaScript interpreting form and storing values in appropriate cookie entries
These cookies are read on other pages (consistent with PATH and DOMAIN) and if present used to define JavaScript variables that are used in "parameterized HTML"
Note document.cookie is set to a single cookie value but when read gives all cookies for this document!

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sat May 24 1997