Java versus JavaScript versus HTML Issues
Some Simple Motivating Examples
Language Features and Syntax
The Peculiar Object Model -- Functions Properties and Methods
Arrays in old and new JavaScript
Arguments of Functions
with and other object related syntax
The JavaScript built in Math String and Date Objects
The Navigator Objects -- Frames Windows Document Form
Event Handling including Function object
User Objects and Examples including using JavaScript for frames
Java versus JavaScript versus HTML Issues
Some Simple Motivating Examples
Language Features and Syntax
The Peculiar Object Model -- Functions Properties and Methods
Arrays in old and new JavaScript
Arguments of Functions
with and other object related syntax
The JavaScript built in Math String and Date Objects
The Navigator Objects -- Frames Windows Document Form
Event Handling including Function object
User Objects and Examples including using JavaScript for frames
Historically JavaScript was called LiveScript and developed by Netscape with some of the same goals as Java but focussed on a "smaller world" -- manipulation of text and options connected with Netscape Clients
TEXT ............................................. COMPUTER Language
HTML --> JavaScript Java <--- C++
Now we can use it under some circumstances as an alternative to Java where the "rapid prototyping" of a fully scripted language is helpful
We expect somebody to develop a fully interpreted Java -- equivalently to extend JavaScript to support more built-in objects (e.g. networking, images)
JavaScript is "either" active text (HTML) or a focused language!
JavaScript can be thought of as Java with the AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) replaced by Netscape Client
JavaScript is a domain specific Interpreter for "Web Document Domain"
e.g. Postscript is a domain specific Interpreter for text layout and MATLAB is an interpreter for matrix manipulation, Mathematica is domain specific for mathematics ......
Execute C code Instruction -- 1 clock cycle ( 10^8 per second)
Run a client side C subroutine -- can do upto 10^6 instructions in time (few milliseconds) that is significant for user
JavaVM Interpreter -- roughly 50 times slower than C
JavaVM Just in Time Compiler (effectively compile JavaVM in real time) -- roughly 2 to 8 times slower than C
Native Java Compiler -- same speed as C
Perl Interpreter (but does process whole program before interpreting) -- 500 times slower than C except in runtime
Tcl, JavaScript "true" Interpreters - 5000 times slower than C
Can still do 100-1000 instructions in time that users don't notice!
Contact Host via CGI script -- Server, Network and Client HTML page regeneration delay can be measured in seconds.
There is only one real JavaScript statement here -- namely
This outputs into current page the text in quotes followed by a newline
And note the rather peculiar way we "hide" JavaScript from browsers that can't understand it by enclosing in convential HTML Comment syntax
<!-- A Conventional comment to hide JavaScript from old browsers
...... Bunch of JavaScript Statements .......
Note depending on your needs, JavaScript can be in Header or Body section of document
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Javascript with Forms</TITLE>
<!-- A Conventional comment to hide JavaScript from old browsers
function compute(form) {
if( confirm("Is this what you want?"))
form.result.value = eval(form.expr.value);
else alert("Enter a new expression then!"); }
Enter An Expression:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="expr" SIZE=15>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="DoIt!" ONCLICK="compute(this.form)">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result" SIZE=15>
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Javascript for Parameterizing HTML</TITLE>
<!-- A Conventional comment to hide JavaScript from old browsers
var imagewidth=600; // These could be changed by form input or some
var imagefile="npac.gif"; // computation based on size of window etc.
<BODY> ......Bunch of Normal Stuff
<!-- A Conventional comment to hide JavaScript from old browsers
document.writeln('<img align=top width=' + imagewidth + ' src="' + imagefile + '" >');
.... Yet More Normal Stuff
Note single quotes used for JavaScript, Double quotes for HTML -- can use \' if necessary to hide special meaning from JavaScript
One can parameterize HTML using document.write(ln) commands such as:
document.writeln("string1" + JSvariable +"string2"); // etc.
A "lighter weight way of achieving this can be illustrated by direct HTML syntax with NO <SCRIPT> tag and no document.write
<IMG WIDTH="&{JSvar1};" SRC="&{JSvar2};" >
where JSvar1 and JSvar2 are JavaScript variables holding width and URL of image
Syntax is modeled on that for for special characters
Such JavaScript Entities can ONLY appear on RIGHT HAND side of attribute values
Cannot appear in HTML text such as titles.
document.writeln approach has no such restriction!
JavaScript: User has full access to capabilities of Netscape Navigator in functionality of window components
Java: User relies on Java AWT (or potentially HotJava browser) for features of Window Components
JavaScript: No explicit data types (just var) --- loose typing
Java: Variable data types must be declared and carefully "cast" to convert -- strong typing
JavaScript: Dynamic Binding. Object references are interpreted at runtime (typical interpreter)
Java: Static Binding. Object references must exist at compile time.
Security: Both JavaScript and Java applets as implemented today have significant security restrictions. This is a (Netscape) Runtime and not a language feature!
JavaScript only has one simple type -- namely:
var anumber = 137; // or the SAME type var
var astring = "1"; // to define a string
The loose typing in JavaScript, allows interpreter to creatively interpret an expression and default (this is change from early documentation which claimed type taken from leftmost variable) is that strings have precedence over numbers so that for instance:
x = astring + anumber; // results in x = "1137"
use parseInt and parseFloat to extract numerical values from strings (see later)
Note special value null (no quotes) can be used as a null value
Strings can be delimited by '..text..' or "..text.." which are identical in meaning (unlike PERL) and one can use \n for newline and \t for TAB
Boolean literals are either true or false
Comments are /* any stuff including newlines */ or
Javascript statements; // This is a comment until new line
Bitwise logical operators & (AND) | (OR) ^ (XOR) operate on the two numbers expressed in 32 bit integer form and perform indicated logical operation on each bit separately
<< is bitwise left shift discarding bits at left (high order) and zero filling at right
>> is bitwise right shift propagating the sign bit in high order (oposition 31)
>>> is zero fill right shift with no special treatment of sign bit
Boolean operations are && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT) and can only operate on boolean variables which are true or false
Comparison Operators are == > >= < <= != which can be used on numerical OR string variables
Concatenation operator + joins two strings together
Note + is called . in PERL
x= "Hello "; y= "World!";
x + y is "Hello World!"
These are roughly a subset of those in Java
if statements cannot use else if and must have statements to be executed placed in curly braces unless only one statement
if( condition ) {
Need curlies if more than one statement here; }
else { // Optional of course
Statements which can contain nested if's; }
for and while are essentially as in Java
for( initial expression ; condition; increment expression ) {
statements to execute; }
while(condition) {
stuff to do as long as condition true; }
break can appear in for or while loops and causes control to pass to statement after end of for or while loop. Named break's as in Java or PERL are not supported
continue in a for or while loop skips over remaining statements in body and goes to next iteration of each loop
JavaScript has a simple object oriented structure without any inheritance ( a major difference from Java)
JavaScript has a rather confused syntax for defining objects which mixes the role of Class definition, function and constructor!
An object is a container which has variables (simple datatypes) other objects or methods inside it.
Variables or other objects inside an object are called properties
functions inside an object are called its methods
Arrays are defined as sequential properties inside a particular object
Multidimensional arrays are constructed as object arrays which themselves have properties which are arrays.
variables can be written in a fashion such as:
Note there is no hierarchical inheritance in definition of objects but the ability to define object properties that are themselves objects creates a natural hierarchical naming scheme
Object Methods are naturally referred to as
Methods Objects and Properties are naturally divided into those defined by Netscape and those defined by user.
Here is an example of a Netscape object with a typical property and method
document is a Netscape object typically defined by a .html page
document.writeln is method of this object which outputs string followed by a newline
document.location is a property of this object containing its URL
function setframe(relativeurldesired,framelabel) {
var actualurl = top.baseurl + relativeurldesired;
top.frames[framelabel].location.href = this.actualurl;
top is a Netscape(Navigator) object with a property frames which is an array labelled by either integers or by value of name attribute in <frame> name="textofframelabel" </frame> tag
Setting a URL into location.href property of a frame loads that page into given frame.
top labels functions defined in page that defines frames
use this.actualurl to distinguish function's variable actualurl from a global variable of same name
Put these functions in <head> </head> section so as to ensure they are loaded before anything else
You define the Class template (to use a Java lingo) with a function definition
Then create an instance of the object with the new statement which acts as a constructor to initialize values
function MakeMenu(no,name) {
| = no; // Give instance a numerical label
| = name; // Label this particular menu
this.color = 'black';
this.menuselection = 1;
this.count =0;
this.options = new Array(); // We will discuss this later
worldmenu = new MakeMenu(1,'world');
familymenu = new MakeMenu(2,'family'); // define two menu instances
You can access object properties in a natural fashion such as:
var actualselected = worldmenu.menuselection;
familymenu.color = 'red';
Curiously you can also use in Netscape 2 an array like notation to which we will return:
familymenu[0] is same as
familymenu[1] is same as etc.
We will return to this when we discuss arrays
One can associate methods with user objects but with a syntax that appears very limiting as object methods have identical arguments to function
General Syntax is:
Objectname.methodname = functionname;
where Objectname is an existing Object and functionname is an existing function -- it can be used to set event handlers with no arguments!
This allows one to iterate over all the properties of an object
for ( variable in object ) { // Generic Form
Bunch of statements }
function dump_props(obj, obj_name) {
var result = "";
for( var i in obj) {
result += obj_name + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + "<BR>"; }
result += "<HR>";
return result;
Here i runs over names of Properties and obj[i] is actual property
Note user supplies obj and obj_name
function car(make,model) { // An Example
this.make = make;
this.model = model; }
mycar = new car("Ford","Explorer");
Write var area = new Array(); // Introduced in Netscape 3
and then you can set as described in Netscape Press book on JavaScript
area[0] = "Alabama";
area[1] = "Alabama";
area[2] = "Alaska"; // etc.
acode[0] = 205;
acode[1] = 334;
acode[2] = 907; // mappring area codes to states
area.length is automatically set as length of array ( 3 in this case)
Note you can set array elements to be objects to make Arrays of objects
e.g. listofmenus = new Array();
listofmenus[0] = new menuobject(1,'world');
worldmenu = listofmenus[0]; // A synonym
function anyoldname(x1,x2) {
var argv = anyoldname.arguments;
n = anyoldname.arguments.length; // number of arguments -- same as argv.length
var y1 = anyoldname.arguments[0]; // y1 is same as this.x1 or argv[0]
var yn = anyoldname.arguments[n-1]; // last argument -- same as argv[n-1]
var wherefrom = anyoldname.caller; // use inside function to find where called from
This allows one to find number of arguments when called and process functions with variable number of arguments
Netscape documentation says this is a property of Functions (interpreted functions) but appears to work on both!
this keyword can be very important but it is also confusing as not clear what it refers to at times.
Also not always clear when needed
Here is an example of use to set URL for a link
function seturl(obj) { // Put in <head></head> Part of document
| = "Desiredframe"; // set frame you want it to go in!
obj.href=""; // or calculate URL dynamically
In normal HTML page place:
<a href="" onClick="seturl(this)" onMouseOver="window.status='URL set dynamically in routine seturl';return true" >Click Here for Dynamic URL</a>
Here this refers to link object created by <a ..> </a>
window.status is line at bottom which usually records URL
Note can specify nontrivial href and onClick but if onClick specifies href property it overrides that in HTML page
These are system functions ( not string methods) that convert strings to numbers
parseInt("15") or equivalently parseInt("15",10) both return the number 15
The optional second argument is radix so that parseInt("15",8) returns 17
If input string begins with "0x" the default radix is 16 (hexadecimal) whereas if it begins with "0" the radix is 8 (octal) -- otherwise default radix is 10
x = 1 +"1"; // evaluates to "11" whereas
x = 1 + parseInt("1"); // evaluates to 2
parseFloat(string) returns floating point equivalent of string
var x = "0.0314E+2"; var y = parseFloat(x); // sets y = 3.14
on platforms that support it, parseInt and parseFloat will return NaN (Not a Number) when argument is inappropriate
eval is an important function as it allows you build Javascript dynamically
For instance document.forms[0].actualtextname.value is value of form element specified as
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="actualtextname" VALUE="value" onChange="handle(" >
| holds actualtextname but as an ascii string which cannot be directly be used in
var x = document.forms[0].actualtextname.value;
var x = eval("document.forms[0]." + actualtextname + ".value"); // works!
eval applies JavaScript interpreter to argument and then re-interprets as shown above
This can be used to copy information between forms as in
eval("document.forms[1]." + actualtextname + ".defaultvalue") = eval("document.forms[0]." + actualtextname + ".value")
eval did not work properly for a long time! -- Please check on your browser
Math has a set of properties(built in constants) including
E LN10 LN2 PI SQRT1_2 SQRT2 so that
Math.PI = 3.14159 etc.
Math methods include the usual ones in Fortran Intrinsic library with examples
Math.random() returns pseudo random number between 0 and 1
Math.abs(x) returns absolute value of x
Math.max(x1,x2) returns maximum of two numbers x1 and x2
Math.cos(x) returns cosine of argument x in radians
Math.round(x) rounds x to nearest positive or negative integer
The Number object has properties defining system dependent constants such as:
Number.MAX_VALUE is Largest representable number on your machine
Number.NaN represents "Not a Number" used by parseInt and parseFloat
/* take two linked comma separated strings containing parameter names and
values for an Applet and produce correct HTML definition of them */
function commaseparated(appletpname,appletpvalue) {
var stop = appletpname.lastIndexOf(','); // last occurrence of ,
if( appletpname.length <= 0 ) stop = -2; // length is only property of string object
index = -1;
var ct = 0; // this is just a precaution
var jndex1 = 0;
var jndex = -1;
while( index <= stop) { // scan through commas
index1= appletpname.indexOf(',',index+1); // next occurrence of ,
if(index1 < 0 ) index1= appletpname.length; // no more ,'s
if(ct >20 ) break;
jndex1 = appletpvalue.indexOf(',',jndex+1);
if(jndex1 < 0 ) jndex1= appletpvalue.length;
grab1 = appletpname.substring(index+1,index1); // Extract the stuff between commas
grab2 = appletpvalue.substring(jndex+1,jndex1);
top.document.writeln('<param name=' + grab1 + ' value="' + grab2 + '">');
jndex=jndex1; }
This example introduces two new methods
actualstring.IndexOf(lookfor); // where lookfor can be any string or property holding a string
This returns index in actualstring where character in actualstring starts a substring that exactly matches lookfor
"".IndexOf("www"); // returns 7
actualstring.IndexOf(lookfor, searchfrom); // searchfrom is the index where search starts -- in example where we scan for commas, searchfrom is set to be one more than location where last comma found
IndexOf and lastIndexOf return -1 if requested string cannot be found
actualstring.lastIndexOf(lookfor, lastsearchfrom); // is just like IndexOf but starts from the end not the beginning of the string
default value of lastsearchfrom is actualstring.length-1
JavaScript really needs the powerful text processing capabilities of PERL -- Lets hope either Netscape adds them or somebody builds these functions
On the otherhand JavaScript like Java has an amazing number of capabilities associated with the Date object including 21 builtin methods
today = new Date(); // sets today to current Date and Time
asiwrite = new Date("February 26, 1996 15:13:00"); // sets asiwrite to date and time that these notes were prepared!
Note both Java and JavaString store dates internally as number of elapsed milliseconds since January 1,1970 00:00:00.
In a Java lookalike, Date.UTC(date as bunch of numbers) and Date.parse(date as a text string) are "class or static" methods
There are methods such as getMonth which extracts month from a date
See the online resource for all possible methods!
Typical property top.frames[name or number].document.
forms[ index and not name ].elementname.value illustrates hierarchy going from top to bottom as one goes from left to right
One can also use framename instead of frames["framename"] -- latter is very much more convenient as can access more easily as variable frame in JavaScript code
If eval works, one can use this to generate framename
navigator window and frame are objects defining hierarchy of cascading containers
document form history link location are objects defining parts of a window or frame.
anchors links forms frames applets images are array properties
top parent self are properties labelling particular frames and windows
Note these are all defined within a single browser window
opener is a property of a window defining the window of document that called to instantiate this window
<HEAD> Bunch of JavaScript</HEAD>
Sundry actions that load a new URL into page
will result in loss of all JavaScript methods and properties as you load new page! This can be avoided by using dummy frames as below
<HEAD> Bunch of JavaScript</HEAD>
<FRAME NAME="ActualFrame" SRC="Thiscontainsoldbodyhtml.html" >
Now use target="ActualFrame" in <a href="URL"> and reloading ActualFrame will NOT destroy your JavaScript!
Note we defined a dummy frame which occupied one pixel (could use zero!) above ActualFrame
The * notation tells Netscape to assign the remaining rows to second frame
<frame Src="URL" Name="framename" Noresize scrolling=YES|NO|AUTO Marginwidth="value" Marginheight="value" >
All of these are optional -- the URL defined by Src attribute is document to be loaded into this frame -- this is often blank as user or other JavaScript code will specify what to load using TARGET="framename" in a link (<a > or equivalent)
The value of Name attribute is used by target and is essential if you want to be able to load into this frame from the outside. A link inside this frame will load into this frame if no taget specified
Noresize if present says that user canNOT resize this frame -- this has impact on ability of related frames to be resized
Marginwidth and Marginheight are given in pixels to specify the margin to be used around the frame
scrolling=YES will always give frame scrollbars
scrolling=NO will give no scrollbars and truncate document if necessary
scrolling=AUTO allows Netscape to choose if scrollbars are appropriate
onUnLoad event handler is called when you exit a particular page
onLoad event handler is called when you load (or reload on returning to page) a new page
<body onLoad='alert("You have just seen my first JavaScript Program Loaded!")' .. other body tags ... >
onAbort -- Images -- handler called when user aborts loading of image by for instance clicking stop button
onError -- Images and windows -- called when document or Image loading causes an error
onFocus -- windows, frames, and all elements in forms -- handler called when Mouse lies in scope of a window/frame or particular form field
onBlur is opposite of onFocus and corresponds to Mouse leaving scope of those form fields (or window, frames)
onClick -- button,checkbox,radio,reset,submit in form and links specified by <a > -- handler called when item clicked
onChange -- select,text,textarea in forms when change occurs in these fields
onMouseOver -- plays same role for link that onFocus does for form elements
onMouseout -- opposite of onMouseover for links and also set when user moves mouse pointer outside area defined by image map
onSelect -- text or textarea in forms -- handler called when text selected
onSubmit -- forms -- handler called when submit button on form clicked
onReset -- forms -- handler called when user resets a form
One can define a string of JavaScript to be compiled as a function with syntax
Target = new Function( [arg1,...argn], functionBody)
where the optional arg1,...argn are arguments for formal function defined in functionBody
Target is either the name of a variable or a property of an existing object or an event handler such as window.onerror
var setBGcolor = new Function("document.bgColor='antiquewhite'");
so you can now execute setBGcolor() where the function can be changed at any time with another setBGcolor = new Function("document.bgColor='pink'");
One can define dynamic event handlers which as described MUST be lower case and MUST have no arguments
window.onfocus = setBGcolor;
Note like eval, functionBody can be JavaScript constructed dynamically as in
var dynamic = 'bgcolor';
Function("document." + dynamic + "='antiquewhite'");
<a href="" onClick="top.seturl(this,'nextitem27.html')" onMouseOver="window.status='this is a Test of onMouseOver'; return true">Exciting Item 27</a>
Note this very typical use of onClick in <a > link.
this is current link and of object type location.
set href to be anything including "" -- don't leave out otherwise won't be a link -- will be anchor instead -- this insures that link blue!
set href and target frame in onClick Event handler
This is is how you get indices to work
put seturl in top document defining frames
<a > links are in index frame and onClick there allows seturl to load required document into mainframe -- the main display frame
function seturl(linkname,fileurl) {
linkname.href = fileurl); }
These are methods of a given window or frame
yourID = setTimeout(JSexp, timeinmsecs);
sets yourID to a handle which can be used in
clearTimeout(yourID); // which completely clears what was started by setTimeout
setTimeout starts a timer which causes JavaScript expression JSexp to be evaluated after a time interval of timeinmsecs which is expressed in milliseconds
Time outs can be used to animate text or images and make a display change at after a given interval
Also to start a daemon monitoring whats going on!
Note setTimeout does not start a LOOP -- just a single timing.
Thus clearTimeout need NOT be called unless you want abnormal termination
Further if you want a loop, please ensure JSexp restarts a new setTimeout
The document object has several important subobjects including Anchor, Applet, Area, Form, Image and Link.
It also has arrays anchors, applets, forms, images and links arrays holding all the occurrences of these objects in a particular document.
We have illustrated Form and Link already -- here we look at Image
<IMG NAME="fred" SRC="jim.gif" > in an HTML file generates an object document.fred of type Image with property document.fred.src="jim.gif"
One can preload images using syntax like:
image1 = new Image(); image1.src = "henry.jpg";
and then change Image in document using
document.fred.src = image1.src;
henry.jpg is fetched from cache and so this is fast!
This technology can be used for animated images and also to quickly change a picture displayed in perhaps an online shop catalog where user chooses a new item in a form.
Cookies were introduced by Netscape to preserve client side state
If you have a CGI script that services several clients (ordering T Shirts perhaps), it is neatest to use client and not server to store information such as name of user, passwords etc.
Traditionally used as passed in forms using "hidden" fields
<INPUT type=hidden" name="user" value="" >
set by formname.user.value = WHATHAVEYOU;
Such hidden fields are passed to CGI scripts in same fashion as other variables set in form text fields
hidden values can either by set by JavaScript on client side or returned built into a page constructed by CGI script which might read N values and return a new form with M new fields for user and N old entries preserved in hidden fields
So hidden variables are nice but only preserved as long as you keep to page you started with or that returned by CGI script.
Tainting ensures that certain properties cannot be freely used
These "taintable" properties include cookie, links, title etc in document; most interesting properties of forms; history; location
Once you access such a property from a SERVER different from that which spawned JavaScript page, then your current statement and everything derived from it is "tainted"
Note testing to see if a variable is tainted, taints your program and so one cannot write useful JavaScript programs involving tainted quantities and networking
tainted variables may NOT be passed over the Network to other servers e.g. to a CGI Script
You can control the tainting of pages and untaint them so that remote servers can freely use
However I don't think anybody does this ......
<head> ... <script language="JavaScript">
testbuttons = new top.MakeArray(2);
function testprocess(object1,object2,index) {
confirm( + ' ' + object2.value + ' ' + index); }
This can give a form created by JavaScript
<form name="testbuttonsform">
<script language="JavaScript">
function flexbuttons(maxradio, groupname, number, indname, indexselected, onprocess)
/* Output a group of single selection radio or select buttons */
/* maxradio defines strategy -- if more than maxradio items use a select field, if smaller than this use radio buttons */
/* User responsible for <form> </form> container and any formatting */
/* onprocess is textstring of "onclick/change" function" */
/* number is number of buttons with name indname[1...number] */
/* groupname is name of group */
/* indexselected running from 1 to number is initial selection */