* GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 13 March 1997


From Overview of Java Database Connection Basic Information Technology Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1997. by Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal (Geoffrey C. Fox) *

1 The following are some of the commonly used JDBC API calls
2 public class Date
3 This class extends the java.util.Date object. But unlike the java.util.Date, which stores time, this class stores the day,year and month.
4 StringtoString()
5 Formats a Date object as YYYY-MM-DD
6 valueOf(String str)
7 Converts a String str to an sql.Date object
8 public class DriverManager
9 This class is used to load a JDBC Driver . The main methods are
10 getConnection(String URL,String username ,String password)
11 throws SQLException
12 After instantiating a driver using Class.forName(), a connection
13 object is obtained using getConnection() with a driver URL,
14 username and password.
15 getDriver(String URL) throws SQLException
16 Finds a driver from the registered JDBC drivers

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