* GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 13 March 1997


From Overview of Java Database Connection Basic Information Technology Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1997. by Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal (Geoffrey C. Fox) *

1 public interface Callable Statement
2 This is a primary interface to access stored procedures on a database. The get methods in this interface are identical in functionality returning various datatypes like getInt, getDate etc.
3 public interface Connection
4 This is a high level class used to interact with the database. The main methods are
5 clearWarmings() throws SQLException - clears warnings for the connection
6 close() throws SQLException - close the connection
7 commit() throws SQLException - commits the transaction
8 createStatement() throws SQLException - create statements for queries
9 getMetaData() throws SQLEXception - returns DatabaseMetaData
10 isClosed() throws SQLException - Returns true if connection is closed

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