Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 97. Foils prepared 5 March 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
General Structure of SQL |
Features of Oracle SQL and Examples |
The six classes of SQL commands: Data Manipulation Language statements (DML), Data Definition Language statements (DDL), Transaction Control statements, Session Control statements, System Control statements, Embedded SQL statements |
Programming in PL/SQL with examples and discussion of difference between SQL and PL/SQL |
Oraperl - Access Oracle RDBMS from Perl |
This table of Contents
Instructor: Geoffrey Fox |
Version 3 March 97 |
teamed with Gang Cheng, Chao-Wei Ou |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
General Structure of SQL |
Features of Oracle SQL and Examples |
The six classes of SQL commands: Data Manipulation Language statements (DML), Data Definition Language statements (DDL), Transaction Control statements, Session Control statements, System Control statements, Embedded SQL statements |
Programming in PL/SQL with examples and discussion of difference between SQL and PL/SQL |
Oraperl - Access Oracle RDBMS from Perl |
There are several ways to access and manipulate database objects in Oracle -- the diagram shows SQL, PL/SQl, OCI, Pro*C and OraPerl |
We will cover in this module the basic three languages - SQL, PL/SQL and Oraperl |
Another important approach - embedded SQL in a host programming language such as SQL in C (Pro*C) is not covered here but is highly recommended for serious Oracle programmers |
Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is used by Oracle system developer |
Data Structure
Relation operators
The base database is two tables -- assume for later examples that value a21 is same as b21: |
Selection Operation: create a new table by limiting the set of rows of a given table according to a specified criterion |
Projection Operation: acts on a table by deleting some of its columns |
Join Operation: a SELECT operation that combines rows from two or more tables. Each returned row contains data from more than one table |
Embedded Operations: several relational operators can be embedded together recursively to perform complex operations |
(remember value of b21 assumed same as a21) |
A database language specifies the semantics of various components of a DBMS: structures and operation of a data model, data definition, data access, security, programming language interface, and data administration |
Industry accepted Standard, first introduced by ANSI in 1986, current SQL92 by ANSI and ISO, new standard SQL3 with enhancements in object-oriented data management is undergoing |
Portable to all RDBMS systems |
Built on relational model, simple and powerful |
Non-procedure language, only specify "what-to-do", not "how-to-do" (4GL) |
Extended to object-oriented programming interface
SQL is a very simple, yet powerful database access language, non-procedural and interpretive language |
Oracle SQL has many extensions to the ANSI/ISO standard SQL language |
Although some Oracle tools (PL/SQL,Pro*C,Oraperl) and applications simplify or mask the use of SQL, all database operations are performed using SQL |
Any other data access method would circumvent the security built into Oracle and potentially compromise data security and integrity |
Data-independent --- two-phase database schema (logical and physical database) |
SQL in Oracle 7 will do the following:
varchar2, number, long, date, raw, long raw, rowid, char |
Operators in Oracle SQL
see handout for details |
number functions: abs, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, ln, log, mod, power, round, sign, sin, sinh, sort, tan, tanh, trunc |
character functions: chr, concat, initcap, lower, lpad, ltrim, replace, rpad, rtrim, soundex, substr, substrb, translate, upper, ascii, intstr, instrb, length, lengthb |
date functions: add_months, last_day, months_between, new_time, next_day, round, sysdate, trunc |
conversion functions: chartorowid, convert, hextoraw, rawtohex, rowidtochar, to_char, to_date, to_label, to_number |
group functions: avg, count, min,max, stddev, sum, variance |
These fall into six categories
See handout for details about SQL syntax of each Oracle SQL command |
Remember schema are:
We gave plenty of examples of schema in first module on Oracle/Databases |
The DDL defines the structure and existence of Schema |
The DML adjusts the data IN schema |
Define, alter the structure of, and drop schema objects. More specifically:
DDL implicitly commits the preceding transaction, and starts a new transaction |
Query or manipulate data in existing schema objects. |
More specifically functionality is:
DML statements are the most frequently used SQL statements by developers |
This statement selects all columns of a row whose last_name field value equals to 'Fox':
This statement inserts a row into the person_info_table table
This statement updates a column of a particular row
This statement deletes a row from a table
Transaction control statements manage the changes made by DML statements, and group DML statements into transaction. More specifically:
Relationship between SQL and PL/SQL
Procedural language features! |
Improved performance - PL/SQL code is stored and shared in a RDBMS server |
Enhanced productivity - allow modularity and software reuse |
Portability - across all Oracle platforms |
"Seamless" integration with the RDBMS server - the procedural option
PL/SQL Block - an unnamed PL/SQL procedure that groups SQL statements and PL/SQL constructs into a single program unit |
Stored Procedures - A PL/SQL block stored in the database and called by name from applications |
Stored Functions - identical to procedures except functions always retun a single value to the caller while procedures do not |
Stored Packages - a method to encapsulate and store related procedures, functions, variables, and other package constructs together as a unit in the database |
A standalone stored procedure has two parts
Basic Structure: |
The declaration of a package has two parts
END phone_pkg; |
/ |
END phone_pkg; |
/ |
A cursor is a handle to or name for a specific private SQL area.
In application development, a cursor is a named resource available to a program, which can be specifically used for parsing SQL statements embedded with the application |
PL/SQL implicitly declares a cursor for all SQL DML statements, including queries that return only one row |
For queries that return more than one row, you must explicitly declare a cursor to process the rows individually |
You can use a cursor to re-execute SQL statements - after each stage of execution, the cursor retains enough information about the statement to re-execute it without starting over again |
Cursors are "structured" in that know about SQL -- you can open, close and fetch from a cursor
Closing a cursor means the information currently in the associated private area is lost and its memory is deallocated |
A stored procedure to query the phone-list database by a person's last or first name may look like this: |
CREATE PROCEDURE get_phoneno_by_name |
(name IN VARCHAR2) IS |
CURSOR person_cur(cname IN VARCHAR2) IS |
SELECT last_name,first_name,phone_no,phone_type |
from person_info_table,phone_list_table |
WHERE (person_info_table.person_id =
AND ( last_name LIKE ('%' || LOWER(cname) || '%') |
OR first_name LIKE ('%' || LOWER(cname) || '%')); |
Note that above we have SQL not PL/SQL and variables are column names from database |
Argument cname of CURSOR will be supplied when we invoke later! |
We now define some PL/SQL variables to reference database entries fetched in previous SELECT command |
lname person_info_table.last_name%TYPE;
phone phone_list_table.phone_no%TYPE;
-- Note format tablename.columnname to |
reference database variables and %TYPE syntax to inherit database type in PL/SQL datatype |
OPEN person_cur(name); -- open the cursor |
LOOP -- Fetch each row matching
FETCH person_cur INTO lname,fname,phone,ptype; |
/* print out the query result */ |
htp.p('The '||ptype||' phone no. of' ||fname||' '||lname||': '||phone); |
CLOSE person_cur;-- close the cursor after it is done |
END get_person_by_name; |
On invoking the stored procedure with the name 'fox' - get_phoneno_by_name('fox'), one will generate the following two lines:
Note a cursor is used to hold the query results in memory for processing |
htp.p is the invocation of a procedure p in a package htp to print out characters to stdout |
When this procedure is created/compiled, all the objects referred in the procedure (e.g. the two tables) must be present and valid in the RDBMS |
LOWER is a built-in function converting a string into its lower case |
|| concatenates two strings into one. E.g., 'CPS'||'616' equals 'CPS616' (same as + in Java, . in Perl) |
pname dbname%TYPE implies PL/SQL variable pname inherits data type of dbname |
LIKE is a comparison operator such that x LIKE y is TRUE if x does match the pattern y. |
The character '%' matches any string of zero or more characters |
The SQL statement looks at rows whose last_name or first_name field has the input string cname as a substring in lower case |
For procedure, their state persists only for the duration of a procedure call and is lost when the procedure execution terminates |
For package
Overloading of Package Procedure Names - PL/SQL allows two or more procedures in the same package to have the same name.
Perl With Built-in Functions to Access Oracle RDBMS |
Oraperl is built by extending the Perl Interpreter through the Iusersubs feature |
Built on top the Oracle Call Interface Driver Layer |
Oraperl is public domain software |
#!/usr/local/bin/oraperl |
# Specify the user name/password and a database server |
$user_name = "cps616"; $passwd = "xyz"; $database = $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}; |
# Login to the ORACLE SQL. |
$lda = &ora_login($database, $user_name, $passwd) || die; $ora_errstr; |
# Cursor for quering phone number by a person's first or last name |
$phone_cursor = |
"SELECT last_name, first_name, phone_no, phone_type |
FROM person_info_table a, phone_list_table b |
WHERE (last_name LIKE ('%' || LOWER(:1) || '%') OR
AND (a.person_id = b.person_id)"; |
# Open cursor and execute the query |
$csr = &ora_open($lda, $phone_cursor); |
# Assign actual value in the SQL statement |
&ora_bind($csr, 'geoffrey'); |
# Fetch the query results into array variables and print them out |
while (($lname,$fname,$phone,$ptype) =&ora_fetch($csr))) { |
print "The $ptype $phone no. of $fname $lname:$phone\n";} |
&ora_close($csr); # Close a cursor |
&ora_logoff($lda); # disconnect the database server |