This is base foilset of CPS616 which describes academic structure with grading strategy, garder etc.
We contrast Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
Define topics covered from base techniques to higher level services
Note that all material will be on-line and initial point of departure will be
There will be several other online components and the structure will require Netscape 2.0 for good viewing
This is base foilset of CPS616 which describes academic structure with grading strategy, garder etc.
We contrast Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
Define topics covered from base techniques to higher level services
Note that all material will be on-line and initial point of departure will be
There will be several other online components and the structure will require Netscape 2.0 for good viewing
Levelset of Web Knowledge to Netscape 2.0 with HTML and Javavscript enhancements -- this includes forms, CGI, ImageMaps
Overview of Applications (Education, Health-Care, Business Enterprise Systems, Manufacturing, Society,Research, Commmand and Control) and Services (Multimedia delivery, WebTop publishing, commerce, metacomputing, collaboration)
Discuss (but not in great detail) Collaboration, Compression, Agents, Relational databases, ATM, ISDN, MIME, HTTP, CGI, Web Servers, Threads, Digital video, Virtual reality and Televirtuality
Instructor is Geoffrey Fox -- email:
extension 2163 on third floor (3-131) of CST
Secretary is Nora in room 3-206 and extension 1722
I am hard to pin down -- try email or phone first
Grader is Yuh-Jye Chang -- email
Grade will be 50% Homework (on languages), 20% on a project involves gathering and integrating information from web on a given topic, 30% on a project involving constructing significant Interactive Web resource using say Java, Databases, PERL ...
Information Organization and Presentation
World Wide Web and Web(Netscape) Servers
Mosaic Interface
Hyperlinks versus tables(relational)
Information Agents and "worms"
Basic Web Enabling Technologies
HTML, VRML, CGI, Java, Javascript, Telescript
Multimedia Support
Video Indexing and Browsing
Image Content
Full Text Search
Real time I/O (disk ---> network)
Compression of Audio and Video
ATM Network Protocols and Management
Collaboration Services
Multi user video conferencing
Electronic whiteboards, etc.
Authentication, Security and Privacy
Usage and Charging Algorithms
Parallel (Relational) Database e.g. Oracle 7.X or DB2 Parallel Edition
Evolution/Revolution to Object databases?
Multilevel Mass Storage -- Parallel I/O
Web and other text search techniques for structured and unstructured (eg. free text) data
DataMining and Correlation Analysis (of records in database)
Sorting (large databases)
The world as a metacomputer -- Resource naming(URL), MIME
Interactive 3D worlds -- video texture mapping
Virtual Reality(VRML and DSI -- Distributed Simulation Internet)
Integration of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Integration Software ("glue")
Image Processing
(Parallel) Terrain Rendering
Kodak Photo-CD
Identification of features (Military targets, pathologies)
Geographical Information Systems