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Foil 16 CPS616: Technologies and Applications of the Information Age

From Overview of CPS600/CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age CPS600 Spring Semester 1995 -- January 1995 . by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Computational science can be defined broadly as the discipline on the interface between computer science and applications of computers. The current Syracuse course CPS615 and others nationwide, can be considered as "Computational Science for Scientific Computing" or "Technologies and applications for Scientific Computing". The audience is both the technologists (Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics) as well as the application fields such as Computational Chemistry, Physics and Aerospace Engineering. We propose a new course CPS616 playing a similar role to CPS615 but aimed at the Information related applications rather than scientific computing. At Syracuse University, application students could come from IST (Information studies which also covers technologies), Newhouse (Communications), Maxwell (Public Administration), VPA (Visual and Performing Arts), Education. Technology students are from Computer Science, Computer Engineering and IST.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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