List of AddOns(Notes) for PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book

Addon Foils Listed by Foils that Invoke Them

Foil 2 Abstract of PERL4 Overview for CPS616
Foil 6 Scalar Data III -- Double Quoted Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
Foil 11 Interpolation of Scalars into Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
Foil 12 Some Simple Scalar I/O Capabilities (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
Foil 21 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VI -- Undefined (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
Foil 22 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VII -- Printing (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
Foil 30 Associative Arrays -- Examples (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
Foil 32 Associative Arrays -- Operators: keys, values, each (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
Foil 35 Regular Expressions -- Analogy with grep (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 36 Regular Expressions --Patterns (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 38 Predefined Character Classes in Regular Expressions (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 39 Grouping Patterns in Regular Expressions (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 40 Anchoring and Alternation in Regular Expressions (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 41 Parentheses in Regular Expressions (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 42 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - I ( =~, m) (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 43 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - II Variable Interpolation; i,g options; general substitution (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 44 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - III \1 $1 $` $& and $' etc. (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
Foil 45 Some regular expression Examples
Foil 47 index and rindex (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
Foil 48 substr (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
Foil 50 Functions or Subroutines - II (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
Foil 52 Functions or Subroutines - IV -- An Example (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
Foil 54 Sorting with various criteria (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
Foil 55 The tr translation operator (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
Foil 60 FileHandles I -- open close die (Chapter 10 of Llama Book)
Foil 62 The Perl EOF Syntax
Foil 73 Globbing (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
Foil 74 Directory Access (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
Foil 77 Execution of UNIX Commands -- backquotes (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
Foil 81 The eval Function and Indexed Arrays of Associative Arrays

Addon Foils Listed Alphabetically by URL
Title: PERL VPL for Associative Array
Title: PERL VPL for Basic Input
Title: PERL VPL for Input Illustrating defined
Title: PERL VPL for glob Shell Pattern Match
Title: PERL VPL for Hello World
Title: PERL VPL for index and rindex String Functions
Title: PERL VPL for opendir use to emulate ls
Title: PERL VPL for Quoted String
Title: PERL VPL for 4 different Perl sort methods
Title: PERL VPL for substitution
Title: PERL VPL for substr String Function
Title: PERL VPL for translation

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