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PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 on February 1995. Foils prepared March 30 97

This simple discussion of PERL4 describes the essential features needed to get going for general purpose programming
  • A few Perl5 points are made when appropriate
i.e. it does not describe the special concerns needed for systems programming but is aimed at what you need for writing CGI programs
We reference in detail Llama Book: Learning PERL by Randal L. Schwartz and published by O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-042-2
More detailed is the recently updated Camel book: Programming PERL by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen and Randal L. Schwartz and also published by O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-149-6
  • This is one of few authoritative Perl5 discussions
Another useful book which lies between Llama and Camel books in completeness is: PERL by Example by Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-122839-0

Table of Contents for PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book

001 Overview of Perl4 (and some Perl5) -- a Module for
    CPS616 -- Technologies for the Information Age
002 Abstract of PERL4 Overview for CPS616
003 General Remarks on PERL
004 Scalar Data I -- Numbers (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
005 Scalar Data II -- Single Quoted Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
006 Scalar Data III -- Double Quoted Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
007 Scalar Variables and Statements/Comments (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
008 Operators for Numbers and Strings I  (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
009 Operators for Numbers and Strings II  -- Comparison (Chapter 2 of 
    Llama Book)
010 Operators for Numbers and Strings III -- Binary Assignment  
    (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
011 Interpolation of Scalars into Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
012 Some Simple Scalar I/O Capabilities (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
013 Logical Operators
014 Arithmetic Operators
015 Bitwise Logical Operators
016 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) I (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
017 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) II -- Construction (Chapter 3 of
     Llama Book)
018 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) III -- Construction (Chapter 3 
    of Llama Book)
019 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) IV -- Element Access (Chapter 3 
    of Llama Book)
020 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) V -- Element Access (Chapter 3 
    of Llama Book)
021 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VI -- Undefined (Chapter 3 of 
    Llama Book)
022 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VII -- Printing (Chapter 3 of 
    Llama Book)
023 Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VIII -- Operators on Arrays 
    (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
024 Control Structures -- if,else,unless,elsif (Chapter 4 of the Llama
025 Control Structures -- What is true and false (Chapter 4 of the 
    Llama Book)
026 Control Structures -- while,until (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
027 Control Structures -- for Statement (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
028 Control Structures -- foreach Statement (Chapter 4 of the Llama 
029 Associative Arrays -- Definition
    (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
030 Associative Arrays -- Examples (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
031 Associative Arrays -- Storage and Access (Chapter 5 of the Llama 
032 Associative Arrays -- Operators: keys, values, each (Chapter 5 of 
    the Llama Book)
033 Basic Input (Chapter 6 of the Llama Book) 
034 Basic Output (Chapter 6 of the Llama Book) 
035 Regular Expressions -- Analogy with grep
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
036 Regular Expressions --Patterns
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
037 Backslash Escapes (Chapter 2 of the Llama book)
038 Predefined Character Classes in Regular Expressions
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book) 
039 Grouping Patterns in Regular Expressions
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
040 Anchoring and Alternation in Regular Expressions
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
041 Parentheses in Regular Expressions
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
042 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - I ( =~, m)
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book) 
043 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - II 
    Variable Interpolation; i,g options; general substitution
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book) 
044 The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - III
    \1 $1 $` $& and $' etc.
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book) 
045 Some regular expression Examples
046 Split and Join Operators
    (Chapter 7 of the Llama Book) 
047 index and rindex (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
048 substr (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
049 Functions or Subroutines - I (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
050 Functions or Subroutines - II (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
051 Functions or Subroutines - III -- The local and my constructs 
    (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
052 Functions or Subroutines - IV -- An Example
    (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
053 cmp <=> Binary Equality Operators (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
054 Sorting with various criteria (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
055 The tr translation operator (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
056 Additional Control Flow Constructs I (Chapter 9 of the Llama Book)
057 Additional Control Flow Constructs II
    -- Statement Labels and next,last,redo (Chapter 9 of the Llama 
058 Additional Control Flow Constructs III -- Accelerated Tests 
    (Chapter 9 of the Llama Book) 
059 Additional Control Flow Constructs IV -- && || and ? 
    (Chapter 9 of the Llama Book) 
060 FileHandles I -- open close die (Chapter 10 of Llama Book)
061 Using FileHandles and Testing Files
    (Chapter 10 of Llama Book)
062 The Perl EOF Syntax
063 PERL as a Practical Extraction and Report Language
064 Format Definitions (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
065 Example of a Format Definition (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
066 Basic Text and Numeric Fieldholders (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
067 Multiline Format Fields and Expressions (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
068 Filled Fields (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
069 Top of Page and its Format
    (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
070 Default Filehandles and Formats (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
071 Page Limits and Positions
    (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
072 Some Special Capabilities in formatted writes
073 Globbing (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
074 Directory Access (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
075 Execution of UNIX Commands -- system (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
076 Processing the Environment %ENV
    (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
077 Execution of UNIX Commands -- backquotes (Chapter 15 of Llama 
078 Execution of UNIX Commands -- Filehandle Mechanism (Chapter 15 of 
    Llama Book)
079 Execution of UNIX Commands -- fork and exec (Chapter 15 of Llama 
080 Signals, Interrupt Handlers, kill (Chapter 15 of Llama Book) 
081 The eval Function and Indexed Arrays of Associative Arrays

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