Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 16,1996

Foil 49 Upper and Lower case Functions

From Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material -- April 16,1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 We have learnt about \L (lower case characters until \E) and \l (lower case next character) and corresponding upper case \U \u so that
  • "\u\LfOX\E" is "Fox" etc. (\E optional here)
2 There are a set of function calls implementing these so that
3 lc(STRING) converts STRING to lower case
4 lcfirst(STRING) converts first character in STRING to lower case
5 uc and ucfirst play same role for upper case
6 ucfirst(lc 'fOX') returns 'Fox'

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