Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 16,1996

Foil 23 The -> Pointer Notation -- II

From Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material -- April 16,1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

@LoL2D = ( [1,2],[1,2,3] ); # Constructs a 2D array
$ref_to_LoL2D = [ [1,2],[1,2,3] ]; # creates a pointer to a 2D array
$arraypt =\@{$LoL2D[$i]}; # extracts a slice ($i'th row) from $LoL2D[$i][$j]
$$arraypt->[$j] is equivalent to $LoL2D[$i][$j]
Perl5 is operationally like Fortran and acts as though right most elements are least significant and stored "consequitively"
If one has defined attributes for students with components such as $student{"grade"}
Then $student[$classmember]{"grade"} is way to write program to address a class of students

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