HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 6,1995

Foil 38 Overview of Structure Query Language (SQL)

From General Discussion of Parallel Relational Databases CPS600 Spring Semester -- April 1995. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) * See also color IMAGE

a database language specifies the semantics of various components of a DBMS: structures and operation of a data model, data definition, data access, security, programming language interface, and data administration
Industry accepted Standard, first introduced by ANSI in 1986, current SQL92 by ANSI and ISO, new standard SQL3 with enhancements in object-oriented data management is undergoing. Portable to all RDBMS systems.
built on relational model, simple and powerful
non-procedural 4GL language, only specify Òwhat-to-doÓ, not Òhow-to-doÓ , extended to object-oriented programming interface
  • this extended model competes with fledging object-oriented database in industry

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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