Accepts lengthy ambiguous complex Natural Language Queries
Translates Natural Language queries into precise Boolean representations of the user's implied requirements for relevance of a document to query
Produces summary-level semantic SFC (Subject Field Codes) vector representations of query and documents for quick filtering of large databases
Catures Text Structure dimensions of time, source, state of completion, credibility, definiteness, intentionality and causality
Fulfills Proper Noun requirements of queries by:
Precise matching of focused Proper Noun requests
Accurate Proper Noun category-level matching
Expansion of categories to constituent members
Provides both high recall and high precision via controlled expansion of Complex Nominals
Evaluates Implicit and Explicit Semantics to assign similiarity between Query and Documents using its Integrated Matcher
Predicts how many documents need to be viewed to acieve the user-specified level of recall via the Cut-Off Criterion