Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 22 Denial of Service versus "Attacks"

From Basic Principles of Java and Internet Security CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

There are two broad classes of "security" problems
  • 1) Deliberate attacks - NPAC suffered this 6 months ago when a hacker used a trapdoor to login into a Sun machine and remove all the files on three computers. For Java, these are called "attack applets" by Felten.
  • 2)Denial of Service: these include internet activities that stop desired use of your computers by hogging resources, invading your privacy or just annoying you! These are called malicious applets by Felten
    • NPAC suffered denial of service when a flood of unwanted "junk" email from forged addresses caused some of our servers to go down
    • I get annoyed when I or my children get unwanted email advertising pornographic sites

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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