Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
See also color IMAGE
This overviews five broad services areas |
WebTop Productivity Systems illustrated by WebFoil |
InfoVision - or INFOrmation, VIdeo, Simulation, Imagery ON demand |
Commerce including Security and Authentication technologies |
Collaboration where many major commercial systems are currently outside the Web but this will change |
MetaComputing or WebWork |
This table of Contents
Instructor: Geoffrey Fox |
teamed with Wojtek Furmanski, Nancy McCracken |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
This overviews five broad services areas |
WebTop Productivity Systems illustrated by WebFoil |
InfoVision - or INFOrmation, VIdeo, Simulation, Imagery ON demand |
Commerce including Security and Authentication technologies |
Collaboration where many major commercial systems are currently outside the Web but this will change |
MetaComputing or WebWork |
Application Specific NII Specific Services for
Desktop Publishing and Productivity Tools in WebWindows (WebTop Productivity/Publishing)
InfoVision: Delivery on Demand of Information from:
Commerce -- digital Cash and signatures with appropriate authentication and security. Enables both Web Commerce (shopping) and use of Web for proprietary information |
Interactive and "batch" Collaboration
Metacomputing -- the collection of world wide computers as a coordinated (in subgroups of computers) computational engine (for simulation or information processing)
NII is/will be digital superhighway provided to you by
Current NII is INTERNET and World Wide Web |
Currently access NII through Internet directly or through an intermediary such as America On-line |
Currently use a Computer and modem on POTS -- plain old telephone service |
In future Computers/TV set sets will ÒconvergeÓ and access will be dedicated cable/optical fiber which will be much faster and allow high quality video delivery |
ÒEveryÓ Business Office, Every doctorÕs Office, ÒEveryÓ school desk, ÒEveryÓ home(potential patient) (approximately any home on cable) will have such a two-way high speed link to the NII |
High Performance (Parallel) Computers on High Speed (ATM) Networks linked to clients at a network performance that supporting realtime Video at a resolution between VHS,HDTV . |
MPP's as Internet/Web/NII/GII Servers
Dual-Use Philosophy must be extended to Multi-Use
Standards must be used
Each of three components (network connections, clients, servers) has capital value of order $10 to $100 Billion |
InfoVision is ultimate "client-server" application
Democracy on the NII (Gore)
ÒAllÓ children will have the equivalent of todays $20,000 business or university computer processing capability in |
BOTH Settop Boxes and in Video Game Controllers which will ÒjustÓ be Personal Computers |
Information Video Imagery and Simulation on Demand |
Tomorrows Communities will be centered not just on roads, libraries, schools and local businesses but EVERY community will have a High Speed Digital Community network that will both drive the community internally but also tell the outside world about business services, tourist attractions etc. |
Web Servers use "Web Technology" to service World Wide Web and other forms of networked multimedia information |
President of ThinkMedia is Robert Frye who is an independent television and film producter and director
Linked with NPAC through Newhouse and other University Contacts |
Exploring combining his expertise in video documentaries with NPACÕs collaborative Web technology (developed with Rome lab and NYNEX support) |
Result will be a generalized forum where people from around the world can interact in a rich electronic environment |
Bob Frye has donated some of his video material to NPAC for use in Living Schoolbook |
Living SchoolBook Material for SC95 San Diego Dec 95 |
Living SchoolBook Material for SC95 San Diego Dec 95 |
The simplest VOD applications treat InfoVision server as a "glorified" digital VCR with a huge stock of readily accessible prerecorded tapes
Interactive VOD will have granularity of order a minute
Can use same approach as for text -- relational databases -- to search for material |
Video and Server Technology Network is prototype of Wire Service of future using Web Technology to service Mass Communications Industry |
NYNET ATM network extended internally to allow linkage of NPAC to Newhouse School of Public Communications and University Electronic Media Production Unit |
Faculty and students -- the multimedia digital journalists of the future will use:
Allows University to understand Integration of media and computer fields both at technology and academic level |
Industrial partners from traditional print and analog video fields
Living SchoolBook Material for SC95 San Diego Dec 95 |
Living SchoolBook Material for SC95 San Diego Dec 95 |
WebWork is an open, world-wide distributed computing environment based on computationally extended Web Technologies |
The backend computation and information infrastructure is provided by the World-Wide Virtual Machine -- a mesh of computationally extended Web Servers (called Compute Servers) |
These servers manage (via CGI mechanisms) a collection of standardized computational units called WebWork Modules. |
Geographically distributed and Web-published WebWork modules interact by HTTP/MIME based message/object passing and form distributed computing surfaces called Compute-Webs |
The front-end user/client interfaces are provided by evolving Web browsers with increasing support for two-way interactivity (e.g. Java, VRML) that facilitates client side control and authoring. |
A natural user-level metaphor -- WebFlow -- is supported in terms of visual interactive compute-web authoring tools. |
Implements the "Viable Base" Enterprise Model of HPCC Software identified in Pasadena2 workshop |
This will allow good programming tools to be developed and mnaintained as larger enough base to support software industry |
Implements a powerful software engineering framework for parallel computing by integrating parallel programming with the World Wide Web Productivity Tools |
RSA security systems based on numbers
Bank of England and English Savings and Loan based on m=155 (512 binary digits) |
RSA129 cracked by factoring with email team using sophisticated version of Quadratic Sieve. RSA155 will use better Number Field Sieve |
Need x2 = y2 mod(RSAm) as then gcd(x+y,RSAm) likely to be interesting factor |
Find x and y by finding lots of interesting a's
Given these a's factored into primes, multiply together so powers of primes are even. This gves desired x |
This last step requires graph theory and solution (for Bank of England) of 5 million linear equations |
RSA155 requires about 300 teraops hours to solve with NFS |
RSA129 needed about an order of magnitude less time. Can be done today faster if use Number Field Sieve |
We have roughly one to five million independent calculations which form the rows of matrix (after clever graph theory manipulates and combines) |
Set of master servers publish problem to solved with suitable demos, description of algorithm and full marketing attention.
Clients return results -- not so easy except by email and cut and paste |
Best done as a set of cooperating servers where server performing factorization publishs it solution as a file on the WWW. |
Cooperating servers also better for computer administrators as can control set of clients at a given site |
Initially use humans but replace by agents when software ready |
Factoring on the Web Project |
Factoring on the Web Project |
Factoring on the Web Project |
WebWork is based on a three-layer architecture shown in figure 2, including: World_Wide Virtual Machine (WWVM) in the (bottom) layer 1, Middleware layer 2 of agents, wrappers, mediators etc., and high level programming environments (e.g. HPFCL) and user interfaces (e.g. WebFlow) in the (top) layer 3. |
All base WebWork concepts can be implemented in terms of today's Web technologies (HTTP, MIME, CGI) and a prototype is under development at NPAC. |
The overall design is open and ready to upgrade the existent (e.g. browsers or servers) and include new (e.g. agents or distributed object brokers) Internet/Web technologies |
One starting point for the WebWork construction is provided by NPAC WebTools -- a CGI-extended Web server with enhanced content authoring and database navigation functionalities. WebTools Server is used as a prototype WebWork node server. |
Illustrates 3 base layers of WebWork architecture and all main system components. |
A 4--node compute-web is represented
Java/HotJava model is used for WebFlow front-end implementation |
The paper describing this project is available at SCCS715 in NPAC technical report series |
PCRC embodies the Parallel Computing Synchronization and collective parallel algorithms and runtime that will enable efficient Web-based computing |
Replace user interface of HPF or HPC++ with the Web(work) and use pervasive Web Technologies in infrastructure (World Wide Virtual Machine -- WWVM) | -- see foil 105 |
Java provides a convenient way to build flexible graphics interfaces |
The screendump shows the message passing traffic and status of (36) parallel nodes used in a sorting algorithm |
In the example, the 36 threads are running the explicit algorithm on the client |
Alternatively and more generally, the threads are replaying a trace of the program which is or was running on a separate set of nodes |
If one uses Web Servers to control master parallel computation or more generally integrates Web into computing, these Web servers can naturally feed event traces into Java based display
From Kemal Ispirli with 36 threads running client-side |
Colors represent node status and links message-passing |
The compilation system is accessed through a Web Browser. The HPF program and requests are POSTed to the HTTP Server using HTTP Protocol. |
HTTP Server analyzes the incoming request and activates the HPF Service Master which is a CGI module. |
HPF Service Master starts the Compile module which translates a given HPF program into Fortran 77 with message passing calls (i.e.MPI), and produces an object file using a node compiler. |
Link module links the generated object code with Common Runtime Support (CRS) and MPI libraries. |
Run module forks copies of the executable code on the nodes of a workstation cluster. |
After the request has been satisfied, HPF Service Master puts the results into HTML format and sends back to the HTTP Server. |
HTTP Server sends the results to the Web Browser via the HTTP Protocol. |
The WWVM is accessed through a Web Browser and requests are sent to the server through HTTP Protocol. |
HTTP Server starts a service master which translates given HPF program to F90 with message passing calls and starts-up other client servers. |
HTTP Servers at the client side get the requests through the HTTP protocol connection, and activates a Interpreter CGI module. |
Interpreter makes calls to the Runtime Support and Communication Server that sends and receives messages using PVM daemons. |
From Kivanc Dincer |
From Kivanc Dincer |
We need to use compilers on tightly coupled systems such as MPP's (shared and distributed memory) |
But for metacomputing, the hardware intrinsically has latencies that suggests increased flexibility of interpreters is more appropriate
Maybe frontends should be built with interpreters such as object-oriented PERL5 so easier to link with Web. |
Note that interpreted environment will have best software engineering support and so suggestion is -- taking SP2 as example:
This implies that we should allow hybrid model not just for task (interpreted) versus data parallelism(compiled)
Current Web Interpreters include Java TCL and PERL(5) which are optimized for different application domains
This leads to WebScript Concept of interoperable interpreters optimized for different domains
Java is a C++ subset which interestingly does not have pointers as these are unsafe in necessary secure metacomputing environment. |
Thus Java has removed the part of C++ which is hardest to parallelize |
Java may not "survive" but if it doesnt something better will! Thus it makes sense to study and experiment with it |
Natural first step is to use Java to build the interpreted "shell" which we called HPFCL for HPF coordination Language.
Java is partially compiled as you take basic Java high-level code and compile down to a universal Java machine language. This is very similar to concepts in ANDF (Architecture Neutral Distribution Format) but with a different goal
VRML -- Virtual Reality Model Language -- is an object oriented database built as a subset of the SGI Inventor System |
VRML can be considered as another script optimized for graphics but not many interesting processing (compute) capabilities are in current standard |
VRML can be considered as an example of a universal data structure allowing exchange of 3D objects over the Web.
Thus useful to consider data parallel VRML and building CC++ or HPF(Fortran90) modules to support VRML |
HPCC community should join with the Web to ensure that standards such as VRML can be implemented efficiently either in parallel (maybe a niche) but also in a distributed network (similar issues where HPCC can contribute and clearly very important) |
Features of the Java language and runtime
Can build on existing work on HPF HPC++ -- especially latter |
Two basic types of opportunities:
Applet mechanism naturally incorporates task parallelism -- need to add "channel" class (as in Fortran-M, CC++) to augment "thread" and "socket" classes
Java can be used both on Server and Client side as expect soon good Java based clients and servers |
See the E language |
or my class notes or | |