There are at least 30 web search systems on the net |
InfoSeek - free service for web search (text database indexed from 400K URLs, total 2GB), paid-service for 15,000 USENET newsgroups (most recent 4 weeks, 2 million articles, total 7GB) and other on-line databases. Full-text indexing. Database and web servers run on 8 SUN10s |
Lycos - free service for web search (database indexed from ~10 million URLs, 1.8 GB summary text, 1.1 GB inverted index (10-20% of full text), run on 7 replicated workstations) |
OpenText - free service (text from ~1 million URLs, 985 million words, run on a worstation cluster). Full-text indexing. |
WebCrawler - free service for web search. Partial-text indexing. |
Yahoo - hierarchical listing of URLs by topics. A web site, not a search service (custom-made database system and web servers, run on several SGI Indy's and Pentium-based PCs running UNIX) |