HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 22 January 1996

Foil 31 Our Overall NII Integrating Vision

From Web Technology Overview CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science -- Winter-Spring Semester 96. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

WebWindows -- the open nonproprietary operating system of future supplanting UNIX, Windows95/NT, Apple etc. -- manages with a single interface all machines either individually or collectively on the NII
WebWork -- Implements Computing for both Simulation and Information ontop of WebWindows-- the correct implementation of HPCC ideas such as HPF,MPI with pervasive technologies and good software engineering
WebScript -- The evolving Middleware of scripted languages including PERL5, Java, Telescript, MOVIE (NPAC early prototype), domain specific Problem Solving Environments
This will lead upto Ultimate Goal! Televirtuality -- All Web Users are linked into a single virtual world

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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