HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6,1995

Foil 63 Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 1: Overview

From Threads with TCE in detail CPS600 Spring Semester95 -- April 1995. by Janusz Niemiec and Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

So far we discussed a compiled library and an interpreted systems. Both of them benefit from the multithreaded ingredient.
For interpreted environments the multithreading support can be implemented in two ways:
  • Interpreted level only -- threads are implemented as interpretive objects. The context switch between threads does not involve swapping machine registers, but instead the interpreter is switched to interpret different threads.
  • Interpreted and compiled level -- each interpreted thread is mapped onto a compiled thread. The compiled thread consists of the interpreter which interprets the interpreted thread.
The example of the first approach is MOVIE, of the other -- the HotJava browser. Comparing those two, we can notice the following aspects:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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