Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 4 1998

Foil 18 A Sample VRML File - III

From VRML 2 Basic Concepts and Definitions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 98. by Zeynep Ozdemir, Rob Baker, Meryem Ispirli, Geoffrey C. Fox

Local and External Simple VRML2.0 world with 2 Shapes for Foil 18(VRML and Display from
1 Transform { # Third child - a blue box
2 translation -2.4 .2 1
3 rotation 0 1 1 .9
4 children [
5 Shape { geometry Box {}
6 appearance Appearance {
7 material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } # Blue }
8 }
9 ]
10 }
11 ] # end of children for world from two foils earlier
12 } # ends grouping from two foils earlier

in Table To:

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