Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 4 1998

Foil 130 Font Style Node Definition - I

From VRML 2 Basic Concepts and Definitions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 98. by Zeynep Ozdemir, Rob Baker, Meryem Ispirli, Geoffrey C. Fox

Definition and Example of FontStyle for Foil 130(Definition and Example)
1 FontStyle {
2 family "SERIF" # field SFString
3 horizontal TRUE # field SFBool
4 justify "BEGIN" # field MFString
5 language "" # field SFString
6 leftToRight TRUE # field SFBool
7 size 1.0 # field SFFloat
8 spacing 1.0 # field SFFloat
9 style "PLAIN" # field SFString
10 topToBottom TRUE # field SFBool
11 }
12 style field specifies the text style to use such as PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, and BOLDITALIC.

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