Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 4 1998

Foil 182 Avatars

From VRML 2 Basic Concepts and Definitions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 98. by Zeynep Ozdemir, Rob Baker, Meryem Ispirli, Geoffrey C. Fox

1 An avatar is a symbolic-virtual-world representation of a real-world person in virtual reality. Using an avatar, the real-world person moves through the virtual world, seeing what the avatar sees, and interacting by telling the avatar what to do. In a multi-user virtual reality environment, each user in the environment chooses a 3-D shape as a represantative in the VRML world.
2 A description of an avatar can be divided into two sections:
  • what an avatar looks like
  • how an avatar can move
3 The movement features of the avatar are primarily controlled by the NavigationInfo node.

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