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Scripting and EAI in VRML97

Given by Hasan Ozdemir (Geoffrey C. Fox) at CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS on Spring Semester 98. Foils prepared March 18 1998

Script Nodes essentially give logic and state management to a VRML world.
We describe Java and JavaScript Scripting of nodes internal to a VRML world
Then we discuss the External Authoring Interface EAI allowing outside programs to interact with a VRML application on client side
Examples including Multi-User Worlds are given

Table of Contents for Scripting and EAI in VRML97

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VRML Consortium Home Site 1 CPS 616 Spring 98 Computational Science for the Information Applications Scripting and EAI in VRML97
2 Scripts and Execution Model in VRML97
3 Scripting with VRML97
4 Why do we need Scripts?
5 Event Model
6 Field Types based on Event Model
7 ROUTE : Connecting Source with Sink
8 Available Scripting Technologies
9 Anatomy Of VRML Browser
10 Script Node with ECMAScript - I
11 Script Node with ECMAScript -II
12 Standard Procedure calls in Script Node with ECMAScript -I
Two Examples for eventIn/eventOut from ECMAScript for Foil 13 13 Getting Input Event in Script Node with ECMAScript
14 Producing Output Event in Script Node with ECMAScript
15 Browser Object in Script Node with ECMAScript
16 Script Node with Java
17 Script Node with Java
18 Script Node with Java
VRML Display and Listing of Script Example of eventOut from Java for Foil 19 19 Getting Handle of Fields in Script Node with Java
20 Getting Handle of Another Node in Script Node with Java
21 Getting Handle of Browser Object in Script Node with Java
22 External Authoring Interface (EAI)
VRML97 Example for EAI 23 Getting the Handle of Browser Object with EAI
VRML97 Example for EAI 24 Getting Handle of a node with EAI
VRML97 Example for EAI 25 Producing Event with EAI
26 Registering for incoming events with EAI
Listing and VRML of Script Starting a Conventional PositionInterpolater for Foil 27 27 ECMAScript Example -I
Listing and VRML of Script Starting a Conventional PositionInterpolater for Foil 28 28 ECMAScript Example -I
Listing and VRML of Script Starting a Conventional PositionInterpolater for Foil 29 29 ECMAScript Example -I
30 How can we write our own Interpolator? ECMAScript Example -II
VRML97 and Listing of Example of Script to produce a Position Interpolater for Foil 31 31 How can we write our own Interpolator? ECMAScript Example -II
VRML97 and Listing of Example of Script to produce a Position Interpolater for Foil 32 32 How can we write our own Interpolator? ECMAScript Example -II
VRML97 example of Custom Interpolater 33 How can we write our own Interpolator? ECMAScript Example -III
34 Radio Buttons to control Background - ECMAScript Example - III
VRML97 and Listing of example to Change Background for Foil 35 35 Radio Buttons to control Background - ECMAScript Example - IV
36 Radio Buttons to control Background - ECMAScript Example - III
37 Radio Buttons to control Background - ECMAScript Example - III
38 MultiUser Virtual Environments
NPAC VRML Multiuser World 39 MultiUser Virtual Environments
VRML97 and Listing of Scripting Example of Adding Nodes for Foil 40 40 Browser Object Through ECMAScript - I
41 Browser Object Through ECMAScript - II
Listing and VRML97 of Toggle Switch with ECMAScript for Foil 42 42 Toggle Switch with ECMAScript

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