HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 5 July 97

Foil 22 Internet Services: News

From Overview of Basic Web and Internet Technologies Beijing Web Tutorial -- May 27-30 1997. by Geoffrey Fox *

1 Usenet newsgroups provide discussion forums on a wide range of topics. You can read the forums from a news server installed at your site.
2 The topics are organized into hierarchies. Some of the main categories are
  • alt - alternative topics
  • comp - computers and computing
  • misc - miscelleneous newsgroups
  • rec - recreational topics
  • sci - science-related topics
  • soc - social and cultural topics
3 Subtopic names are always shown as part of the hierarchy
  • sci.chem.electrochem and comp.parallel
4 People participate in newsgroups by contributing messages, called "posting", which everyone else on the list can read.
5 Some newsgroups are moderated, which means that posted messages are scanned by a human for appropriate content and style before being made public.
6 Many software packages are news readers, including Netscape web browsers - just ask your systems administrator what news server to use.

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