HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 5 July 97

Foil 39 Illustration of WebWindows Concept for Presentation Software

From Overview of Basic Web and Internet Technologies Beijing Web Tutorial -- May 27-30 1997. by Geoffrey Fox *

1 Persuasion and Powerpoint are rather similar monolithic packages which can for instance only be clumsily ported to UNIX as cannot access internal data-structures defining foils
2 WebFoil (NPAC prototype WebWindows presentation package) has
3 Extended open HTML source manipulated by powerful PERL5 scripts allowing global changes and linkages of foils from many sources
  • This plays role of outline which is a somewhat crippled open version of Persuasion/Powerpoint foils defining text alone
4 Backend Oracle database illustrating modular WebWindows approach
5 Using Appropriate templates WebFoil Uses Hotjava or Netscape 1,2 or 3 to display HTML with full Web Power including applets to enable Multimedia and dynamic presentations

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