Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 5 July 97

Foil 35 Future Web Technologies: VRML

From Overview of Basic Web and Internet Technologies Beijing Web Tutorial -- May 27-30 1997. by Geoffrey Fox *

VRML is a computer graphics language for describing 3-Dimensional scenes. It was developed as a standard for the WWW from OpenInventor of SGI.
VRML includes language elements for creating simple shapes, various lighting effects, applying textures to shapes, and various points of view (referred to as cameras).
A VRML enabled browser will recogize VRML files of the form file.wrl, and create an interface where the user has controls to fly through space and examine objects.
Objects within a VRML scene may be configured as URL links to other Web pages of any document type.
VRML documents are huge - most serious current drawback to using VRML more widely on the Web is the slow download time.
New versions of VRML include motion in the scenes.

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