Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 62 An initial approach to computational string dynamics or equivalently the
Construction of the Energy Function

From Complex Systems and Parallel Computing CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science -- Spring Semester 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 The true problem is to minimize the length in the time direction of the string of maximum length. This can be treated directly in "full string dynamics" but here we will follow particle analogy and replace this minimax problem by a least squares formulation
2 Again replace exact constraints (e.g. a node can only do one or a few things at a time) by at least squares constraints
  • This in spirit of Hopfield and Tank
3 New terms in energy (in field theory language) corresponding to the creation or annihilation or strings

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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