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Foil 8 Overview of CPS713 Case Study I) Relation of Statistical Physics and Optimization -- Contd

From Master set for Overview of Case Studies of Computational Science CPSP713 Master for Overview -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Variational principles minimize functions, and generally Mother Nature minimizes energy.
Thus statistical physics is (nearly) always solving optimization problems. We can turn around and use physical analogies and use "physical optimization" methods to solve general optimization methods.
Here Simulated Annealing, Simulating Tempering, Genetic Algorithms, and neural networks are some of algorithms in this class.
Note the so called NP Complete problems in optimization; physics is NP complete (one cannot solve Nature's equations in polynomial time) and so physical optimization is very suitable for NP complete optimization problems.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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