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Foil 15 Topics Covered in CPS713 Case Study I) Parallel Cluster Algorithms

From Master set for Overview of Case Studies of Computational Science CPSP713 Master for Overview -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Note these are quite hard as clusters are dynamic and irregular in shape. Further parallelism sometimes restricted as have to cope with modest numbers of clusters which restricts some parallelism
T: SIMD and MIMD Parallel Cluster Labelling
T: Relation of Cluster Determination and Region Finding in Image Processing
T: Multigrid and Hierarchical Labelling Methods
T: Shiloach-Vishkin SIMD Method (This problem is classic in theoretical computer science community)
T:Parallel Algorithms for growing a single cluster

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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