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Foil 55 Remarks on CPS713 Case Study III)
Topic B: Geographic Information Systems

From Master set for Overview of Case Studies of Computational Science CPSP713 Master for Overview -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Geographic Information Systems (called GIS) are of growing importance in areas such as
  • Defense where they underlie Mission planning and related systems
  • Commercially for City Planning and with companies such as Power Utilities whose business involves spatially labelled assets such as gas lines, health care clinics etc.
NASA's Mission to planet Earth will dramatically increase the availability of data such as that gotten today from Satellites such as LANDSAT and SPOT. Their multi-spectrum data can be used for many applications such as studying state of environment, crop growth etc.
  • GIS will overlay such Satellite data on a background map
  • Other GIS functions are often typical "scientific computing" algorithms such as Image Processing and solution of scheduling problems which can use optimization methods we will study in Case Study I).
Note that the GIS is natural multimedia Interface to Spatially labelled data (E.g. video footage for tourism arranged by vacation location). This contrasts with Mosaic as natural multimedia document interface
The magazine GIS World has a wealth of information about real world GIS applications and companies
Map data is available (almost free) from the USGS (Geological Survey) and with additional features from several commercial companies. (See memo by Paul Coddington)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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