Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7,1995

Foil 2 What is Status of HPCC Applications?

From Applications and their Relation to Software CRPC/MCNC Workshop -- April 10-13 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Parallel Computing Works in Nearly all scientific and engineering applications
As described in Book Parallel Computing Works! (Fox,Messina,Williams)
3 The necessary algorithms are in general understood in most cases
4 The implementation of -- especially adaptive irregular -- algorithms is not easy because:
5 The software tools are immature and do not usually offer direct help for say:
  • Adaptive (un)structured meshs
  • Fast multipole method for particle dynamics
6 There are several different approachs and not clear what will "win" and what will actually "work" when
7 Need abstractions of the "hard" problem (component)s and toolkits to tackle them
  • Templates will describe promising approach

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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