Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7,1995

Foil 4 HPCC Application HighLights are the Grand Challenges

From Applications and their Relation to Software CRPC/MCNC Workshop -- April 10-13 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 There is no good overall Survey of which I am aware except Proceedings of May 1993 Pittsburgh Conference
  • In particular no list at the NCO (National Coordination Office)
2 These are very large applications with many different algorithms and software issues within each Grand Challenge
  • Most are Solutions of Partial Differential Equations or Particle Dynamics
3 As liitle or no coordination and communication (true!?) it is hard to draw lessons
4 Not much generally useful software so far
5 Glossary we prepared has 34 Entries (out of perhaps 50)
  • 19 have URL's for further Information

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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