Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 12 1996

Foil 40 Global Array Toolkit (PNNL)

From Overview of HPCC Applications at NPAC CRPC Annual Meeting -- May 14-17 1996. by Geoffrey Fox

2 Note Matrix Formation and Algebra underlies much Chemistry
3 Provides programmer with one-sided shared-memory programming model regardless of underlying platform
4 Interfaces with parallel linear algebra libraries: PeIGS, ScaLAPACK, ISDA, etc.
5 Exposes NUMA nature common to all platforms to programmer -- efficient portable algorithms consider or use NUMA
6 Portable -- implementations available for
  • Distributed memory (interrupt-driven messages)
  • Shared memory (using SysV shared memory features)
  • Clusters of SMP nodes, NOWs, etc. (shared-memory within cluster, data server process for inter-cluster comms via simple message passing)
  • I-WAY (data replicated on distant MPPs)
7 Designed for straightforward migration to HPF

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