Given by Geoffrey Fox at CRPC Annual Meeting on May 14-17 1996. Foils prepared May 12 1996
Outside Index
Summary of Material
We describe status of PCRC Common library and Interoperability between HPF HPCC++ and the planned extension to Java
We describe the Compiler testbed developed at NPAC which includes
Linkage to Regular and Adaptive Runtime Systems |
Some World Wide Web Linkage with HPF running on top of network of Web Servers and (soon) a link of Pablo through Servers to Java client Performance evaluation |
An Analysis of HPF IN 4D Data Assimilation and Financial Modelling |
See also the NPAC Application discussion for more on evaluation of HPF in HPCC applications |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
CRPC Annual Meeting |
May 15 1996 |
Geoffrey Fox |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
We describe status of PCRC Common library and Interoperability between HPF HPCC++ and the planned extension to Java
We describe the Compiler testbed developed at NPAC which includes
Linkage to Regular and Adaptive Runtime Systems |
Some World Wide Web Linkage with HPF running on top of network of Web Servers and (soon) a link of Pablo through Servers to Java client Performance evaluation |
An Analysis of HPF IN 4D Data Assimilation and Financial Modelling |
See also the NPAC Application discussion for more on evaluation of HPF in HPCC applications |
From Kivanc Dincer |
From Kivanc Dincer | -- see foil 105 |
Java provides a convenient way to build flexible graphics interfaces |
The screendump shows the message passing traffic and status of (36) parallel nodes used in a sorting algorithm |
In the example, the 36 threads are running the explicit algorithm on the client |
Alternatively and more generally, the threads are replaying a trace of the program which is or was running on a separate set of nodes |
If one uses Web Servers to control master parallel computation or more generally integrates Web into computing, these Web servers can naturally feed event traces into Java based display
From Kemal Ispirli with 36 threads running client-side |
Colors represent node status and links message-passing |
Java is rapidly becoming a dominant distributed computing language driven by the the breadth and depth of the World Wide Web.
HPCC has developed technology and the application pull for large scale computation with typically tighter synchronization constraints than those of Java. |
Further HPCC can benefit from the pervasive software base illustrated by Web in general and Java in particular. |
Correspondingly there are many emerging Web based applications which will need large synchronized computation. |
For these reasons, we thought it useful to examine the confluence of HPCC and Java -- referred to as HPjava.(without knowing what this is!) |
In particular it is natural for PCRC to examine its software indrastructure and see how it should be structured/changed to support HPJava. | is not a proposal or plan.
More thoughtfully, we study Programming Model suggested by HPJava |
What is Role of Optimizing Compilers in (HP)Java?
There are a large number of important experiments in the community |
Other topics include role of CORBA, Security, Model for communication in Java |