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We can define a new class mRectangle that extends mPoint where (x,y,color) from mPoint are lower left hand corner/color and we add width and height
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public class mRectangle extends mPoint {
int w, h;
public mRectangle(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h) {
super(_x, _y); /* call mPoint's constructor */
w = _w;
h = _h;
} /* End mRectangle Constructor */
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/* overwrite the mPoint's checkBoundry method */
public void checkBoundry(Rectangle rect) {
int nx = x+dx;
int ny = y+dy;
if ( (nx < rect.x) || (nx+w >= rect.x+rect.width) ) dx = -dx;
if ( (ny < rect.y) || (ny+h >= rect.y+rect.height) ) dy = -dy;
public void paint(Graphics g) { /* Override mPoint Method */
g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
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