Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 12 1996

Foil 43 Java Language -- Expressions

From CRPC Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics CRPC Annual Meeting Tutorial -- May 14,1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Java's expressions are very similar to C and the following are valid:
i++ /* equivalent to i = i +1 */
(i > 0 ) && (j>0) /* Boolean */
i <<1 /* Left shift by 1 binary digit */
(i>0) ? true:false /* Boolean */
i >>> 2 /* Signed right shift by 2 binary digits */
"fred" + "jim" is "fredjim"
/* + Equivalent to . in Perl */
(a instanceof B) /* True iff object a is of class B */

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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