Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 12 1996

Foil 118 Actions associated with Components in AWT - I

From CRPC Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics CRPC Annual Meeting Tutorial -- May 14,1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We already discussed handling Mouse and Keyboard Events. These AWT components come with new actions which need to be handled with an action() method in your applet
Put action ( a method of class Component) in Container instance that is at lowest possible level so you can customize action to things in that Container
action(Event evt, Object arg)'s are looked for in same fashion as exceptions. Scan up Containers looking for a method of this name. Scanning stops when you find an action and that method returns true holds the object that caused the Event
Object Arg returned depends on particular Component invoked
There are further's associated with the various peculiar Components -- see description of class Event for current detailed description.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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