Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Trip to China and Icase Tutorial on July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. Foils prepared July 10 1996
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Summary of Material
Java is an object-oriented language based on C++ suitable for general distributed applications programming. In this course, we will concentrate on Java applets to program application interfaces on the World Wide Web. |
These lecture slides on programming in Java will show a series of small programming examples, designed to illustrate the main features of the language. |
They accompany the Java Course Module, by Geoffrey Fox, which covers more details about the language. |
Some examples were constructed from "Teach yourself Java in 21 days", by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, February 1996, Publishing, and from "core Java", by Gary Cornell and Cay Horstmann, the SunSoft Press Java Series, 1996. |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Nancy McCracken |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
May 1996 |
Click here for body text |
Java is an object-oriented language based on C++ suitable for general distributed applications programming. In this course, we will concentrate on Java applets to program application interfaces on the World Wide Web. |
These lecture slides on programming in Java will show a series of small programming examples, designed to illustrate the main features of the language. |
They accompany the Java Course Module, by Geoffrey Fox, which covers more details about the language. |
Some examples were constructed from "Teach yourself Java in 21 days", by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, February 1996, Publishing, and from "core Java", by Gary Cornell and Cay Horstmann, the SunSoft Press Java Series, 1996. |
Examples also demonstrate Java language basics, arrays, and the math package. They illustrate the following sections from JavaTutorial:
Since Java is object-oriented, programs are organized into modules called classes, which may have data in variables and functions called methods. |
Java applets are part of the class hierarchy that can call methods to display on a screen (within the browser window). This example defines the public method paint in this class and calls a method drawString defined in the class Graphics. |
You should name the file with your applet name,, run the compiler (javac), getting a bytecode file HelloWorldApplet.class, which you put in a web directory. |
An object of the graphics class represent a rectangular drawing grid, with a coordinate system in pixels. |
When you draw objects, there is a current "state" consisting of a font and a color. |
Fonts and colors are objects (sometimes called instances) of the font and color class in the awt package. |
Methods are available for drawing lines, rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, arcs, and polygons. This example draws a rectangle filled with green with a black border, and a circle filled with magenta. |
Within the applet tags, any number of param tags may occur. Attributes can control the alignment of the applet window on the html page. |
A standard method, init(), is executed when your applet is loaded; it can call the method getParameter. |
The method applet.size() returns the width and height as a dimension object, which has width and height variables. FontMetrics has variables for various attributes of the font, including width and height. |
Each applet's flow of control goes through a sequence of standard methods:
See ColorBoxes examples with init and start. |
This example fills the applet's drawing area with square boxes, each of which has a randomly chosen color. |
This demonstrates 2-dimensional arrays by first filling arrays with random colors, and then drawing, uses a fixed size drawing window for simplicity. |
Illustrates Object-Oriented Programming section of the JavaTutorial |
We define a parent class for movable point objects. Each instance of this class is represented by an x,y location, by a dx,dy offset for the object to move, and a color for the object. |
We include methods to change the default values for the offsets and color, a method to move the object, and one to paint a point. |
We define a class for movable rectangle objects. It uses x,y from the parent class mPoint for the location of the rectangle, but adds h,w to specify height and width of the rectangle. |
This applet creates 2 mRectangles and loops to move them. |
The repaint method calls update, which is overridden here to move the objects, and paint, which is overridden here to redraw whole graphics area. |
You are allowed to have more than one constructor in a class, if the constructors have different types or numbers of arguments. For example, for people who are using the java.awt.Point class, you can add a constructor to mRectangle which creates a rectangle by giving the top left and bottom right corner points. |
Once we have structured the concepts of our data into classes, it is easy to add new shapes of movable objects as child classes of mRectangle. These classes only have to redefine paint to draw a differently shaped object. |
Illustrating Threads section of the JavaTutorial |
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a process. |
If a process has more than one thread, then each thread executes concurrently. |
Any Java applet which has extensive execution or loops to repaint the window must run as a concurrent thread with the browser window. |
To make an applet with a thread, which is almost always recommended:
These start and stop methods can always be used |
The body of the applet is in the run method, in this case a loop to keep showing the date. |
Illustrating section on "Back to Details on Graphics and Animation" from the JavaTutorial |
This example shows how to get the actual height and width of the image to use in scaling the image under java program control. |
This technique is most effective in eliminating flicker, but does take longer and use more memory. |
Illustrating Mouse and Keyboard events, in the AWT section of the JavaTutorial |
We set up a test program that creates 3 movable objects, a rectangle, circle and triangle, as in the earlier example. In this program, we start with them all red. Whenever the mouse is detected to be over one of the objects, its color is changed to cyan. If the mouse button is used to drag the object, we move the object to the mouse location. |
Note that it is not necessary to introduce a thread for this applet since it is not running continuously - it is mostly waiting for mouse events. |
In this example, update does all the drawing. It also sets a background color rectangle with a 1 pixel border in the foreground color. |
Whenever the user moves the mouse, a message is sent from the client workstation to the Java system. It generates a form of interrupt called an event. Your Java applet can choose to provide a method which does appropriate response for any event. This is called an event handler - you must return true to show the general event handler that you have intervened. |
These handle the sequence of: the user clicks the mouse (mouse down), moves the mouse (mouse drag) and releases the mouse button (mouse up). |
We add methods to detect when the mouse is inside an object, and a more general method moveTo for large moves under dragging. |
You may also choose to respond to individual keys being pressed from the keyboard. (Later we will learn of a more general way to handle text input.) |
illustrating the AWT section of the JavaTutorial |
A simple example of using the Abstract Windowing Toolkit divides the applet space into two components. One is a Canvas for drawing graphics or images; one is a Panel which has three buttons. We choose to draw the Canvas within the Applet and to create the Panel in another class. |
The initialization of the Canvas was done in the applet init method; the other method for painting the Canvas simply changes the background color. About the only thing a Canvas can do is explicit drawing and graphics. |
The Button component generates an action whenever the button is clicked on. In this example, we call the method that changes the color of the Canvas in another part of the layout. |
This class does not need to be a subclass of Applet - like all components except Canvas, you don't need to paint, just add components and handle events and actions. |
illustrating the section Networking, Web Access and I/O in the JavaTutorial |
This applet creates a text area in the window, reads text from a file known by its URL, and displays the text in the text area. It uses the class URL from, to set up a socket to the server, and the class InputStream from |
The openStream method opens the socket connection and returns an object of type InputStream. We convert this to a BufferedInputStream for performance and then to DataInputStream, where we have methods to read lines or characters of data. |