Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 May 1996

Foil 63 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - I

From General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting CRPC Annual Meeting -- 14-17 May 1996 Argonne. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Until '95, Web was perceived as a hot novelty with yet to be defined serious killer applications (other than Mosaic->Netscape), market segments and business models.
2 In '95/'96, industry started to embrace Web as a promising viable platform for doing new style agile (faster, cheaper and better) computing in variety of information and computation domains.
3 There is still no single large scale killer application but rather a growing set of Intranet based information/computation systems that use open Web technologies to prototype proprietary systems for internal corporate use in a more cost effective fashion that in the PC/Windows framework

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