Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 May 1996

Foil 5 Collaboration with CAPS

From General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting CRPC Annual Meeting -- 14-17 May 1996 Argonne. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We had a meeting with CAPS during the last week of April, and the outcome is the following:
  • They will supply us with an initial data set over the Syracuse region.
  • This data set will be taken from the end of April, during severe thunderstorms in the region.
  • By mid summer they will try to help us run the code to evolve the initial data.
    • The first attempts should result in stable runs, with inaccurate predictions.
  • The ETA of accurate simulations should be roughly 1/2 person year.
    • This will time line would allow for the accurate prediction of lake effect snow.
    • Lake effect snow is caused mostly from wind blowing over a cold lake.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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