As of today (May '96), we are in the middle of the "expansion phase", triggered by the '95/'96 "revolution" |
Netscape3 is out with support for Live3D (inlined VRML) and CoolTalk (Internet Phone). LiveMedia (inlined video based on OpenDVE/RTP) is coming soon. FastTrack Web servers offer now page authoring, site management, mailing services, scripted database interfaces and so on. A mortal Netscape-Microsoft war is imminent. |
Meanwhile, JavaSoft expands with a different strategy , by collaborating with Microsoft, seeking new niches such as support for transparent database backends (JDBC), distributed computing (DMI), CASE tools (JDE) and open browser technology (beta HotJava), family of extension API's -- Media, Commerce, Security, Collaboration . |
Meanwhile, Sun attempts at JavaVM based JavaOS and GNU is addressing open multiplatform JavaVM implementation. |
Meanwhile, open Web community (with the major concentration in the VRML forum) starts addressing "open JavaScript" that would challenge JavaScript/LiveWire and eventually Java. |