Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 12 1996

Foil 13 FIRST Backend Processing STAGE GRAPH REDUCTION

From Lessons and Implementation -- RSA Factoring on the Web CRPC Annual Meeting -- May 14-17 1996. by Geoffrey Fox

1 Finding such a set of "a"'s with prime factors raised to an even power, is pretty non-trivial, and is not performed by the sieving clients or servers.
2 Initially wee derive a network in which nodes are primes and edges are drawn between
  • the two large primes in a double-partial relation, or between 1 and the single prime of a partial relation.
3 Then we run around looking for cycles in the network, which represent large primes that appear as squares when the two corresponding residues are multiplied together.
4 Multiply all relations together, divide by all squared large primes, and you turn lots of partials and double partials into full relations.

in Table To:

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