Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 30 1996

Foil 29 The Flow of Data amongst the Client, Server and CGI Script

From A Tutorial on Base Web Technologies CRPC Annual Meeting/NASA Langley/Trip to China -- May 14-17 June 10-13 1996 July 12-18 1996. by Geoffrey Fox

1 The CGI program parses the input from the server and MUST generate a response - even if there is no data to send back, the CGI program must send an error or empty message since the http connection is still open and must be closed by the server. The CGI program will send a header to the server:
  • If the header is type "Location", the server will send the indicated file to the client.
  • If the header is "Content-type", the server will send all the data back to the client. This should be a properly formatted html page.
2 When the CGI program terminates, the server closes the connection.

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