Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 30 1996

Foil 14 Examples and Why WebWindows will Dominate Software Industry?

From A Tutorial on Base Web Technologies CRPC Annual Meeting/NASA Langley/Trip to China -- May 14-17 June 10-13 1996 July 12-18 1996. by Geoffrey Fox

Further WebWindows Software will be modular and allow plug and play insertion of capabilities developed around the Web World -- not a bunch of isolated stovepipe solutions
  • WebWindows leverages not only universal hardware but also all the world's creative energy
As an example some of Current Netscape and last year(!) NPAC's WebTools implements UNIX shell/PC file manager capabilities in terms CGI scripts -- allows universal access to these capabilities including powerful Web based (mh) mail
NPAC's WebFoil is HotJava/Netscape 1,2,3 Open replacement for Powerpoint/Persuasion
Particular Application areas (Business, Healthcare, Education) will be built on top of generic NII services so that for instance
  • Healthcare video delivery builds on technology developed for CNN etc.

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