Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 30 1996

Foil 62 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - II

From A Tutorial on Base Web Technologies CRPC Annual Meeting/NASA Langley/Trip to China -- May 14-17 June 10-13 1996 July 12-18 1996. by Geoffrey Fox

JavaScript -- only superficially related to Java and was called LiveScript -- is Netscape's fully interpreted Client side extension of HTML. This is a good integration/customization technology where flexibility more important than performance
i.e. use JavaScript for Rapid Prototyping
  • Current examples use JavaScript together with frames (Netscape HTML extension) for interactive multi-window technologies
  • JavaScript is roughly equivalent to "Abstract Windowing Toolkit/ Layout Manager" in Java but applied to Netscape Frames and not Java windows
  • JavaScript cannot build filters or simulations

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